Skilss Assessment

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Skills Assessment

Skills Assessment


Skills assessment is the process of assessing one's own skills or the skills of the other people. It is a very important procedure that identifies the strengths and the weaknesses of a person. A proper skill assessment can be helpful in the identification of various capabilities and skills of an individuals and the lacking in a person. Given below are the three skill assessment activities which have been conducted in this paper.

Element 1: Lead Continuous Improvement Systems and Processes

The main aim of this section is to lead the continuous improvement and processes by developing strategies for ensuring that group members are actively encouraged & supported to participate in decision making processes.

For the process of skill assessment it is very necessary for the leaders to bring continuous innovations and improvements in the processes and systems. The leader is also required to bring the changes and modifications in the thoughts and practices of the resources so that the continuous improvement culture could be assured (Andrew, 1992, p. 169).

The successful managers and the leaders are continuously working hard and making their efforts in bringing innovations and improvements in the approaches so that the operations can be enhanced. For this purpose the encouragement of the processes is very helpful approach that can motivate and support the team members. Implementation of the reward and recognition program is one of the strategies that can lead towards the innovation and improvement of systems and processes. The recognition programs are always the positive approach which helps in increasing the employee participation and thus leading the company towards success. Thus, this kind of innovation and improvement in the processes and systems is the best approach which can enhance the skills of the employees (Jabriel, 1996, p. 27).

Another effective approach in terms of improving the systems and processes is the teamwork and leadership skills to gain the confidence and trust to others. This is also an underpinning skill which builds the trust of the employees for the company and its leadership and thus enhances the skills of the team members. It is very necessary for the leader to incorporate the leadership and teamwork skills which can enhance the confidence and trust of the employees on the company's leadership (CHARLES, 2009, p. 239). Thus, the trust and the confidence on the company's management is the best tool that motivates the employees for performing in an effective and productive manner. Therefore, it is necessary that the company should bring the improvement in the processes and systems which should be employee oriented.

Element 2: Monitor & Adjust Performance Strategies

After the development of strategies for the improvement of systems and processes the next step is the continuous monitoring and adjustment of the performance strategies. The main aim of the strategic development is to assure that the systems and the procedures which have been implemented in the organization are used for the monitoring of operational progress. It is also developed for the identification of different ways which can be helpful ...
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