Skills And Learning Style

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Skills and Learning style

Skills and Learning style


The discovery wheel tells the real truth about us. It is a self evaluation in which we judge ourselves that where do I stand as a student and what do I want to become in future. The closer the shading comes to the edges of the discovery wheel, the higher the self assessment in that area is achieved.


The discovery shows the accurate study of all my abilities, strengths, weaknesses, interests and planning skills. One of my strengths on which I was confident was technology because it is due to my major interest in work fields but I didn't expected that my purposes will also rise high as one of my another strengths. The main problem which I really face is the communicating strength of mine with relation to others but the planning region was totally unexpected to have such amount of percentage in the discovery wheel.

I could not expect that after my self evaluation I will be having purpose as one of my strengths and planning as my weakest point. I never knew that purpose could also be counted as one of the strengths but now it does clarifies me that a purpose in life and the responsibility of our own education is very important. I could not imagine that planning could be one of my biggest weaknesses where I could not set my short and long term goals, schedule my planning, assign priorities and manage my studies. I believe it is due to my busy lifestyle because of which I could not plan my schedule accordingly.

The two major areas where I see myself to be the strongest are the purpose and technology. The reason behind my strength in purpose is that I work hard onto my given tasks in order to succeed in my ...
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