Significant Political Event

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Significant Political Event in the United States

Significant Political Event in the United States

Introduction to the Assignment

The topic which I have chosen as the political event of America that has brought diversity is the hardships faced by the African American Females.

Thesis Statement

African American Women were overlooked twice as often when it came to having a voice or making a difference. Over time, they have not only succeeded in their efforts to make a change, but have also risen above the customs to which they were burdened to for years.

African American Women

In the last decade of the nineteenth century, the racially discriminatory laws and racial violence aimed at African Americans in the United States and burgeon began to shoot. They and others risked their lives and tireless efforts, demands for social revolution, but history has often overlooked them. They are the civil rights movement of the women. Though historians now acknowledge that women, especially African Americans, is the key in the battle for racial equality key to Rosa Parks's death highlights the fact that she is a very small number of women who are well-known civil rights figures(Thomas, 2008). Most of the role of women in the background of the movement; or by choice or because of prejudice, because as a woman means that the color is faced with both racism and sexism. Although there are many African American feminist points of view, the contemporary African American feminists identified the African American feminist thought, more than the struggle in the United States to determine the central theme.

They include commitments to other social order of African American women's unique life experience, as the two oppressed groups, blacks and women, which is mainly directed against racial and gender inequality across different members of the fighting commitment, blacks by voice visibility of women's rights promotion, and custom, and in thought and action interdependence beliefs. The Civil Liberties Progress intended at abolishing communal and private actions of ethnic prejudice in opposition to Black Americans from 1954-1968 predominantly in the southern U.S. By 1966, emergence of Black Power progress, which from 1966 to 1975 lasted comprehensive on the goals of the Citizens' Liberties Progress for ethnic self-esteem, economic and political independence, and independence from white authority to include. March on Washington for Jobs and Independence and the conditions that brought it into being are credited with putting pressure on President John F. Kennedy and then Lyndon B. Johnson that concluded in the passage the Civil Liberties Act of 1964 prohibited prejudice in communal accommodations, service, and labor unions(Lewis, 2002).


In the early hour's European pioneers in N. America imported African slaves like low-priced labor. Earlier before the Civil War wrecked slavery, a small number of communicative blacks expanded recognition: two of them were females, Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman.

When blacks received the right to vote in 1870, black women want to vote truth. She admitted that she got and prove that President Lincoln, and her smash hit, the Sojourner Truth's narrative ...
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