Sexuality And Cognitive Dissonance

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Sexuality and Cognitive Dissonance

Sexuality and Cognitive Dissonance


The tendency of individuals to seek consistency among their cognitions that are beliefs and opinions this is termed as cognitive dissonance. When an inconsistency occurs in attitude and behavior that is dissonance some steps should be made in order to eradicate this dissonance. However, when difference occurs between attitude and behavior then there is a possibility that attitude will change according to the behavior. There are certain features that strength the dissonance, those features are a number of dissonant beliefs and the each belief importance that is attached to it. The three methods to remove dissonance are reduction in the importance of dissonant beliefs, addition of consonant beliefs and lastly changing the dissonant beliefs for inconsistent (David L, et al., 2007).

The situation in which dissonance occur is mostly when individuals are incompatible between two beliefs and actions. The maximum dissonance is shaped when two choices are evenly attractive. Additionally, change in attitude is further expected in the direction of less incentive since this result in lower dissonance. Nevertheless, theory of dissonance is conflicting to most theories of behavioral which would predict greater attitude change with increased incentive that is reinforcement. It is helpful to begin by explaining what an attitude is and telling its consequence before turning to the processes that affect attitude formation and change (also known as persuasion).

Substantial research has been done on attitude change and how it is form taking in to the consideration of the cognitive dissonance. Many psychologists conceptualize formation of attitude as a form of attitude change or no change or some change. Ordinary identical terms for attitude change contain persuasion and influence, particularly when person or group is performing as an agent of change (Olson & Fazio, 2001). Thus, in the context of the paper we intend to view the Cognitive Dissonance in regard to the sexuality. The light will be thrown upon how sexual behavior tends to have an impact on the human behavior in regard to the sexual connotations attached.


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