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Sexuality and Social Injustice

Sexuality and Social Injustice


Sexuality was initially defines in relation to the reproductive process carried out in plants and animals. The term then included many other factors like sexual powers and capability of sexual feelings. Thus, the meaning of sexuality has evolved over time becoming increasingly complex (Casalanti & Slevin 2001, pp. 80).


The 19th century has marked new emerging studies of sexuality relating it to sexual relations to what people do and how they are identified in the society. Thus, sexuality can be related to object of desire. Any form of heterosexual behaviour was considered normal while other deviations created the term homosexuality. In order to understand the complex nature of sexuality and human behaviour, Lumann, Gagnon and Michael in 1994 suggested a model that defines human sexual experience comprising components of attraction, behaviour and identity. These components are not consistent and can change with time (Chicano 1998, pp. 515). Ollis in 2001 has redesigned the model as sexual trichotomy. In this model, sexual identity is defined as how we perceive ourselves or how society identifies us. Sexual orientation is the gender towards we are attracted. Sexual behaviour is out sexual acts.

Figure 1: Sexual Trichotomy Model


Constructivist theories

Symbolic interactions

This theory was proposed by Herbert Blumer in 1969. It states that human beings and societies are mutually dependent. Society produces human beings and humans contribute towards society. Human beings understand the meaning of actions and these meanings are derived from social interactions. They can be modified by interpretation.

Researchers have argues that sexuality is not totally biological and can be seen as a result of economic, social and political factors around them. Thomas Laqueur has proposed in 1992 one sex model which states that in ancient times, men and women had many common things than they have today. The historian states that the differences emerged only 200 years ago (Gott & Hinchliff 2003, pp. 1620).

Thus, sexuality is shaped by social interactions in three levels.

Historical level when sexual behaviour is derived from cultural norms.

Relational level when sexual behaviour is formed from social relationships.

Biographical level when sexual behaviour is developed from one's life events and experiences.

Thus, Blumer has based the activities on how we perceive the situation, surroundings and our judgment to interpret. Sexuality can be related to symbolic level as it aims to achieve completeness and comfort besides excitation (Mikkola 2006, pp. 81).

Anthropological Theories

A research by Margret Maed on New Guinea's women was conducted. This research aimed to evaluate biological and cultural changes causing conflicts in puberty. The research concluded that sexuality is human everyday life experience in terms of social, cultural and political aspects. Anthropological researches thus tend to support that sexuality is a social construct and human sexuality is very diverse.

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