Sexual Health

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Sexual Health

Sexual Health

Task 1 - Psycho-sexual Issues of Gender Roles, Teenage Pregnancy and Sexual Health in Teenage Pregnancy in light of the Events/Behaviors of Individuals in Juno

As is evident from Juno, sexual maturity today is acquired long before psychosocial maturity. This is why many teenagers, considered in many ways still children, have an active sex life well before reaching maturity which allows you to leave the family home and build a life of its own. Today the average age of first sexual intercourse is about 15-16 years, an age at which the cognitive, emotional and social factors are not yet equipped to deal with awareness of the risks related to sexuality, both in terms of sexually transmitted diseases transmitted, both as regards unwanted pregnancies.

The depiction of characters in Juno makes it clear that this is certainly not due to a lack of information, now that the kids can get from childhood through the media, but also through its educational programs, related to science. Pregnancy in adolescence, therefore, should be read as a form of resistance to contraception, through the implementation of sexual intercourse without using any form of contraception or through improper use. Take the pill every day of the rest requires a lot of discipline, especially when sexual relations are still rather sporadic and many girls end up forgetting it. As for the condom, it is often not used or is prematurely abandoned when the two partners feel that they have created a stable couple.

In addition, it merits highlighting that with regard to the series of events that took place immediately after the impregnation of the character Juno, that the teenage pregnancy affect to a greater extent young people from disadvantaged social classes and belonging to family groups with dysfunctional problems. For example, often young girls who become pregnant are also daughters of mothers who became pregnant at an early age (Barbagallo & Boon, 2012). A pregnancy in adolescence is generally not desired and planned, and for this reason it is a big enough problem to the personal, family and social life. On a personal level, the young expectant mom can live this season as highly traumatic for a variety of factors, ranging from the strictly physical problems (sickness, nausea, changes in physical appearance) family problems (say to parents, imagine their reaction), social (eg early school leavers, social isolation, etc..), physicians (visits, tests, therapies). She might as well all want to deny itself the possibility of being pregnant minimizing the symptoms, not having to broach the subject with their parents in this way moves the time of diagnosis and reduces the number of possible decisions.

In light of the above observations from Juno and the subsequent discussions, it is easy for a young pregnant teen, make explicit this condition: for there is no fear of the reaction of the parents, the father of the child and his family need to undergo a gynecological examination, of having to talk to classmates, teachers, etc. (Evans, ...
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