Sexual Harassment

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Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment

(a) The Law Governing Sexual Harassment

Sexual attention is unwanted sexual harassment, including harassment against women because they are fairly women. Sexual harassment may include (without limitation) words, pictures or objects degrading, offensive jokes, physical contact and requests for sexual abuse that may be because of your gender. According to UN convention and American Laws, there is severe punishment for those involved in sexual harassment at workplace. According to Article 1 of Law No 8805 of April, 2010, the purpose of this Act is to prevent, prohibit and punish sexual harassment and discriminatory practices on grounds of sex, against the dignity of women and men within the scope of work and education, in public and private sector. According to Article 3 Definitions, all sexual behavior unwanted by the recipient, causing detrimental effects on the following cases:

a) Physical conditions of employment or teaching.

b) Performance and compliance work or education.

c) General State of Well being.

The penalties for sexual harassment shall apply as the severity of the event and will be the following: written reprimand, suspension and dismissal, without prejudice to go to the appropriate channels where the conduct also criminal offense, as defined in the Penal Code (Just run the numbers by Article 2, of Law No. 8805 of April 28, 2010, which transferred preceding Article 25 to 34) Article 35.- Rights of the individual earnings. When you have finished the person harassed the employment contract or employer's liability is discharged for that reason, with right to:

a) That he cancels the benefits.

b) Payment of wages and other points that the judge may determine.

c) to return to his post, if specifically requested.

If it is a public employee, may opt for the swap (Just run the numbers by Article 2, of Law No. 8805 of April 28, 2010, which transferred preceding Article 26 to 35 today) Article 36.- Termination of the harasser. Any person who is verified as having incurred sexual harassment may be dismissed without employer's liability. (Just run the numbers by Article 2, of Law No. 8805 of April 28, 2010, which transferred preceding Article 27 to 36 today) 37.- Compensation for psychological damage. Where, by sentence, check the harassment, the person injured can claim compensation for moral damages, if been certified, which will also be working knowledge of the judge. (Just run the numbers by Article 2, of Law No. 8805 of April 28, 2010, which transferred preceding Article ...
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