Sexual Development

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Sexual Development

Sexual Development


Sexual development pays a vital role in the development of an individual. In addition to that, it is important to note that numerous aspects tend to play a crucial role throughout the lifecycle of an individual. There are various notions to be considered, which the role of different personalities in your life. In this study, our focus will be targeted towards our self analysis of sexual development (Bancroft, J., & Workshop on Sexual Development. 2003). It is considered that the children tend to be sexual, even before they are born. For parents, the sexual development of their children may seem quite far apart. However, it is important to note that numerous researchers and theorists have argued that the sexual development within a child is initiated in its early years. As these children start growing up, they realize different variations within their bodies. This could also be known as sexual development within these children.


The questions that I would want to choose would include:

What or who were the most critical influences for the sexual development in my childhood?

What were the most important sexual/relationship events that happened to me?

Apart from these questions, there are other questions which I will refer to as well. When I was a child, around the age of 6 or 7, I first experienced my body. Whenever, I used to pee, while washing up I always experienced some tingling in my genitals, in my penis. It always put me in to a thought that why did this happen to me. As a child, I had been very observant of different things, and since this experienced, I became observant of the differences within my body. Since, I had a strict father; I could not really discuss it with him. So I went up to my elder brother, who was around 15 or 16 years old. At the time I thought that he knew everything and idolized him for that. Upon consulting him, he told me that it was absolutely normal and that as a child, it often happens. He advised to let it go and that upon growing up I would be able to develop a better understanding of the subject.

When I grew up a bit and I turned 12, I was first attracted towards a girl. This girl, whose name was Elisa was a very pretty girl and she always, attracted me. However, it is important to note that I regained my composure and my senses and asked her out. We went for breakfast and there I realized that it was not just her beauty which attracted me, Elisa had also developed in size and her bodily structure was extremely appealing. With the girl of her age, it was quite surprising for me that I would start feeling a chill all over my body when she used to sit next to me, at the movies or in the class. After our first kiss, I experienced another development in my body. My penis started erecting and I ...
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