Teenage Personality Development

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Teenage Personality Development

Teenage Personality Development


Teenage pregnancy or early pregnancy is that pregnancy occurs in a woman adolescent: between early adolescence and puberty onset of childbearing age, and the end of adolescence. The WHO sets the teens between 10 and 19 years. Most teenage pregnancies are considered unwanted pregnancies, caused by the practice of sex without contraception. The teenage pregnancy occurs during the first 2 years after the first period (between 10 and 13 years approx.), And / or when the teenager keeps the full social and economic dependence on their parents. The risk factors of young women becoming pregnant exist in all social classes these risk factors are as follows i.e. growing up in poor or poor, lack of education by parents, communities living in or attending schools where early pregnancies are common, the early use of alcohol or drugs, have been the victim of an assault or sexual abuse, when their mothers in turn have given birth at an early age etc, the causes of teenage pregnancy can be as follows malfunction of the family i.e. can be run from a home where the girl sometimes feel threatened by violence, alcoholism and the risk of incest, family instability, the need to test their fertility, the loss of religiosity, sexual intercourse without adequate contraception, acceptance of sex in an increasingly early age, the lack of sufficient education on responsible sexual behavior, clear and specific information on the consequences of sexual intercourse (Parks, 2011).


Taking the real teenage pregnant girl example, in an interview she told her life story, she is a medium heighted girl having brownish hair and fair complexion, wearing lots of accessories that reflected her immature personality and during interview she was looking confused and worried, she revealed that she got pregnant by mistake and her boyfriend when got to know what her pregnancy he left her. One thing that strokes a lot was that she was biting her nails a lot and her way of speaking showed her low self confidence; she told that she had sex with her boyfriend without using any contraceptive measure.

Her parents got separated when she was 5 years old and she is now living in a hostel, her parents never came to meet her so she hasn't any kind of friendly bounding or attachment with her parents, from 12 years of age she has been suffering from insomnia and also taking anti depressing tablets. Currently she is in the high school and she had sex twice and thrice before but unfortunately the last time she did her boyfriend couldn't use any contraceptive. It was too late when she realized that she is pregnant and now she can't do anything except giving birth to that baby, when she consulted her doctor for the abortion she refused to do that due to high chances of death. For the personality development parents play a vital role and when person's personality is strong and well developed then that person takes good decisions ...
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