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Service Encounters

Executive Summary

This paper demonstrates the analysis of the recommended video. In the video it has highlighted few problems that are prevailing in the hotel. The video starts with the unhappy customer who was complaining about the reservation, and receptionist could not find any record of it. The receptionist calls the general manager who showed no interest in resolving the problem, however after strong insisting the general manager agreed to approach the customer. While the general manager was approaching to the woman, he came across another customer who was carrying his luggage and asked for his help, but the manager made an excuse instead of helping the customer. The manager approached to the woman and tried to flirt with her instead of resolving her issue. The video showed an unprofessional behavior from the general manager. This paper further depicts the methods to resolve the service gap and recommendation.

Service Encounters


Customer service is what an organization does to meet the customer satisfaction and expectations. A lot of companies consider customer service as running the business. Customer service is either good or poor; it depends on the customers only (Evenson, pp.13). Customers are the judges of the organizations services. It depends upon how customers being treated, whether their expectations are being fulfilled, and whether their satisfaction level met or not. Customer is the most important visitor for any organization, as he is not dependent on it, but the organization is dependent on him. Few organizations cannot meet the expectations of its customers, and hence it gives poor customer service. Customers are very important for every organization. On top of that, the satisfaction of these customers is more important. Some companies fail to do this. The common mistake or misconception that these companies has is that, they think they are giving the best, but in reality, they are only doing what is convenient for them (Goodman, pp.16).


The analysis of three scenes from the recommended video is as follows:

The Woman at Reception

In this scene where the woman was complaining about the reservation to the receptionist and the receptionist could not found any record to the reservation. After insisting from the woman to see the general manager, the receptionist calls the general manager who was reading the newspaper and tells the receptionist to handle the problem yourself as he is busy. However, after frequent insisting he agreed to see the woman. The lame excuse from the general manager showed lack of interest towards customer satisfaction and resolving issues. As he reached the woman, he tried to flirt with her instead of helping her as the woman was beautiful and attractive. Such behavior from general manager was extremely unprofessional towards his customer. In the end he leaves without solving the issue to another customer at ball room.

Man on Wheel Chair

In another scene where a man on wheelchair is complaining about his problem, the general manager started acting impolitely and gets angry at the customer that whatever he does for his customers they can never be happy in ...
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