Service Blueprint

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Service blueprint

Service Blueprint


A service blueprint may be defined as a visual depiction of the course implicated in giving out a service. The objective of a service blueprint is to offer an apparent and idea recognition of the service process to each of the people engaged in offering and providing services. Service blueprint regarded as a helpful instrument, as well, for investigating the efficacy of current processes involved in providing the services, and manipulating novel or superior processes to offer services. In a single document, a service blue print depicts a range of facets of service, for instance, series of functions carried out by a number of service providers, the spots of client contacts, the responsibilities or tasks of clients and workers, as well as, the imagery essentials of service. A distinctive service blueprint divides the entire service functions into 4 groups of client actions, onstage contact employees actions, back stage contact employees actions, and support actions. Moreover, a typical service blueprint lists the essentials of substantial indications to which the client is subjected.

Building the Blueprint

For more clear understanding of the concept of a typical service blueprint, the following bullets can be helpful:

Identify customer segment

Map the service process from a customer point of view

Map employee actions (onstage and offstage)

Link customer and contact person activities to appropriate support functions

Add evidence of service at each action

In this report, we will critically examine the service blueprint of the banking industry, and more specifically we have chosen the Colonial Savings Bank of Queensland for this purpose. The reason for choosing this company is its good performance in the marketplace. Moreover, we will also analyze a number of loopholes that depicted through the service blueprint of this company.

Analysis of Current Service Blueprint

The current service infrastructure followed by Colonial Savings Bank of Queensland has some basic problems that are causing problems for customers. The current service blue print is more bank centric rather than customers centric. The process of refinancing can be explicated in the following structure:

Stage 1: Loan Application and Rationale

The first process of refinancing starts with filling out a form by the customer and provision of it to the loan agent. The loan agents expound the customer with the availability of different refinancing options available. He provides the calculations to the customer for creating an idea, so the customer may decide. Then the customer signs few forms, which then submitted for credit check. After this process, the customer waits for a couple of days until he receives a notification regarding the loan's approval.


The primary objective of this chunk of the process is to identify the basic information of the customer to make sure whether he qualifies for the loan. There is a probability that the customer may be deprive of various financial capabilities than the time when he first got the loan to finance the loan (Zeithml, Parasumaran & Malhotra, 2000, pp. 94). It saves the times and energy of customer and management that can be wasted if the process starts and the customer do ...
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