Servant Leadership

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Servant Leadership

Servant Leadership


The business world today is facing huge problems and it is difficult for them to cope with the issues of downsizing and lay offs. With these issues already in place, another big issue to keep the employees motivated who are still with the organization. The leaders play a great role here. They should be able to keep the employees motivated and should also make sure that the company is progressing and growing. This paper will discuss how leaders can keep the employees motivated in hard times.


Servant Leadership is the most effective strategy to make sure that the people in the organization are not been adversely impacted by the downsizing and layoffs and the bad financial conditions of the country. Though the company faces a tough time in keeping the motivation level high of the employees in such times, but the company should make sure that it comes up with strategies to ensure high motivation and high productivity. The top management and the CEO of the company are responsible for making sure that employees of the company are doing their job in the best possible manner.

One way that the servant leader can keep the employees motivated is to be a bearer of hope. He should make sure that the people of the company are doing their job in the best manner and are not losing hope during times of distress. They should be able to keep themselves motivated and should also do their job accordingly.

Another way that the servant leader can ensure good performance from the employees in hard times is by making sure that the employees are involved in the decision making process. This sounds a bit untrue, but it is possible. The employees can be asked to brainstorm some ideas as to what the company should do to get rid of the hard time and get back its position in the market.

Servant leaders should make sure that they perform in the best manner to bring out the best in people and to make their company successful. They should also be able to make sure that the company is doing their job to make retain and maintain its position in the market. It should also make sure that the employees remain motivated to help the company succeed.

Situational Leadership

This is another model that can help the leaders to make sure that the company remains on track and gets successful in hard times. It also helps the company to motivate the employees in times when downsizing and lay offs are very common.

This model as well as other concepts of situational leadership, does not involve a search for the only true way to achieve effective leadership. Instead, it focuses on the situation - the effectiveness of leadership. One of the key factors in the situational model is called the maturity of the followers, which is determined by the degree of presence in people skills and desire to fulfil the task set by the leader. Maturity consists of two ...
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