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Servant Leadership

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Servant Leadership

Servant Leadership


The main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis on the servant leadership research and application. The paper discusses the different articles related to the leadership application and the servant leadership in the workplace. Leadership is the process of influencing people to achieve the desired goals. Therefore, it has great importance in every field. To be a good leader needs charisma, intelligence, persuasiveness, sensitivity, integrity, courage, fairness, be innovative, sympathy, brain and a lot of heart to lead a group of people and go their own will, motivate, stimulate and thus achieve the desired goals, and everyone is satisfied and have a sense of gain and loss (Allen, 2004, p. 127). The word leadership defines the process of influencing others and encourages them to work enthusiastically in a common goal. Therefore, it is important in work field in order to direct and influence the professionals.

Thesis Statement

Servant leadership requires the practice of certain disciplines (habits we practice to please the Lord)." These disciplines are key to "rest in Christ."

Application of Servant Leadership

There are different classifications of servant leaders: for example, as to the formality of your choice, commonly speak of formal leaders (elected by an organization) or informal leaders (emerging from a group). Another classification of leadership is determined by the influence of leading their subordinates (Bass, 2007, p. 130). Transactional leadership is one that occurs when group members recognized the leader as it provides authority and resources considered valid for the group. In contrast, transformational or charismatic leadership involves the ability to modify the scale of values, attitudes and beliefs of the followers (Ansoff, 2007, p. 113).

Servant leadership is actually a practical philosophy. It supports people who want to serve first, and then lead as a means to expand this service to other people and institutions. It is not necessarily attract people who are in a position of power. Anyone can have a philosophy of servant leadership. What is needed is a lot of integrity, trust, interest and also certain vulnerability. That is, the servant leader is not the only decision maker. It is not about having all the answers. Servant leadership promotes and encourages collaboration, trust, listening skills and ethical use of power (Ansoff, 2007, p. 113). Following are different servant leadership skills, approaches and strategies in relation to my team.

Within an organization, the approach of a servant leader is to define a direction for the company, protecting the ideas and principles to create, create dreams, that is, the supreme goals, the rationale for the organization. They are ad and more, responsible for creating a working group and lead effectively (Bass, 2004, p. 33). To become a true servant leader requires a deep and abiding vocation to study and training . This means learning to handle the tools necessary to conduct working groups. Once this is achieved, the challenge is finding the right members that make up the group, develop a framework, define the fundamental principles and give the team an identity that make it unique ...
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