Self Reflection Leadership Plan

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Self Reflection Leadership Plan

Self Reflection Leadership Plan

Leaders play a very important role in ensuring that their subordinates are working in a manner that is helpful for them, as well as, the organization. They are the ones who should ensure that the employees are motivated enough to work in a manner that will help them in gaining the benefits by performing to their best potential. The performance of the employees depends a lot on the leaders and this is why it is said that the leaders should possess qualities that will help the employees in helping the company to grow and become successful and in remaining motivated.

While working I have learnt that not every leader possesses the right and accurate leadership skills and traits. It is important for them to make sure that people working in the organization are motivated and that they are able to provide them with the best working environment. The leaders have to make sure that they play their role in a manner that will prove to beneficial for the organization and are able to take decisions that will prove to be helpful for the employees. Decision making is one of the most important characteristic of a good leader; therefore, it should be made sure by the leaders that the decision that they take is effective for both, the employees and the organization (Kimbell, 2010).

While taking this course, I hope to learn about the core concept of leadership and how it helps people in analyzing the situation. I was very curious to learn as to how leaders ensure that their subordinates work efficiently and what tactics they use for motivating them. This is one aspect that I wanted to learn and with the help of this course, I was able to get the most out of ...
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