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Self audit & Management

Self audit & Management

Working with individuals and groups

The importance of self audit and management cannot be denied in today's competitive world. Organizations and business are consistently looking for an edge over their competitors and trying to outplay them. Management plays a vital role in the functioning, well-being and progress of an organization. The manager's role is not to dictate the way to proceed, but to focus on identifying the conditions that will increase the likelihood that the group will naturally evolve and emerge as a high performing unit.

Establishing and developing own practice

Organizations create and use both permanent and temporary teams, combining people into groups to work on novel problems and to make critical decisions. Work teams embedded in organizations are the best vehicle to respond to changes in the organization's environment and should be used as a primary organizational strategy for managing change.

A manager has to be a good communicator to be able to deal with the workforce and produce the desired results. An old Chinese proverb says that the reason why we have two ears and one mouth is because listening is twice as difficult as speaking (Berko, 2010, 9-12).Communication is not an action, it is an art. Communication is the art of properly integrating the message and smoothly transmitting it from the sender to the receiver. In most theories, there are three main elements in a communication: the sender, the receiver and the message. Two additional factors that are of equal important to proper communication are the medium used and the amount of noise/external disturbance that the communication is faced with.

Similarly, another important aspect of self management is the ability to resolve conflicts. In management it is also known as conflict management. A professional has to deal with different problems and people daily. If the person does not have what it takes to subdue conflicts and to be stern enough to overcome the demands of others, then it proves harmful for the professional image of that person. People take that person for granted and very soon, they come to realize that the person does not have the courage to speak up for his rights. To enhance this, a person has to be more confident and realize that being right is more important that being liked (Deneulin, 2009, 12-13).

Working with others - multi agency working

Personnel management requires the management to select and maintain an effective workforce in the organization. It helps develop a healthy relationship between the employees and the organization. Hence, under the rubric of personnel management aspects of organization, planning and control play a vital part. The field of personnel management is quite diverse and covers a variety of management features (Hall, 2010).


Management of self and others

Good personnel management can play an important role in the overall success of an organization. It is meant to allow mangers to incorporate improved methods and processes in employee selection, recruitment, training and retention. Personnel management professionals are also aware of the reward systems ...
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