Selection, Recruitment And Development

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Selection, Recruitment and Development

Significance of Personal Skills and Development3

Interpersonal Skills Development3

Listening Skills4

Conflict Resolution Skills4

Communication Skills4

Paying Attention5

Avoiding Interruption5

Avoiding Judgmental Attitude5

Showing Genuine Interest6

Professional Skills Development6

Soft Skills6

Hard Skills7

Personal Skills Development in Successful Organizations7

Maintaining Motivation7

Belief in Leadership8

Socialization of Organizational Values8

Factors Affecting Recruitment9

Selection Process9





Final Steps11

Theories of Recruitment Selection11

Objective Theory11

Subjective Theory11

Critical Contact Theory12

Methods of Selection12

Application Forms/CVs12

Psychometric Testing12

Personality Profiling13

Group exercises13

Assessment Centres13


Method for Identifying the Most Appropriate Approach13

Effective Interviewing14

Knowing Organization's Needs14

Asking Right Questions15

Interview Structure15

An Effective Rating System15

Ways of Identifying Skills and Motivation of Job Applicants15

Current Employment Legislation Related to Terms f a Job Offer16


Selection, Recruitment and Development

Analyze the significance of personal skills development and why in successful organizations this is an on-going process.

Significance of Personal Skills and Development

One of the basic foundations of success is the pursuit of perfection. It enables people to search for continuous improvement regardless of any hurdles or constraints. The continual self improvement is considered one of the most important factors behind the development and success. Some people may think that intelligence and exceptional job related aptitude are enough for achieving success. However, they ignore the importance of personal skills and development process. For the attainment of continual and non-stop professional development and self growth, one needs to work hard to cultivate the hard and soft skills that are critical for success. Giving premium focus to personal skills development can bring a person very close towards realizing his or her goals.

Interpersonal Skills Development

The power of relating with others can have a never ending impact on one's life. Interpersonal skills must include in personal skills development of a person to ensure continued and smooth growth in his or her career. Without developing good interpersonal skills, it will be very difficult to find a smooth and effective working relation with others. The importance of interpersonal skills cannot be disregarded, whatever the context is. The interpersonal skills of a person can have significant effects on one's ability to work with others and communicate with others in an effective manner.

Listening Skills

Listening skills are very important in getting into an effective discussion and getting out effectively. A well organized and well developed set of listening skills puts a person in a very good position for receiving messages in an accurate manner. This will be helpful in reducing any misunderstanding and breakdown in the communication process. Listening skills may seem very simple, but applying and mastering them can be very hard and challenging. Mastering listening skills can lead to effective communication and reducing any barriers in communication.

Conflict Resolution Skills

Disagreement can occur due to the difference in point of views and opinions. These disagreements can be crucial as well as deadly in many cases. Disagreements with peers, friends, subordinates and superiors can lead to difficulties in one's personal and work environment. A person who knows how to deal with a specific situation can by very effective in conflict resolution. Conflict resolution does not only mean to solving any conflict situation, but also avoiding any ...
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