Selection Process

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Selection System for Recruitment of Telesales Staff


Job description for telesales staff1

Job tasks2

Education and experience3

Key Competencies4

Creation of selection system4

Evaluation of current recruitment practices5

Designing the job description and person specification for the job6

Recruitment of applicants for the job6

Application of appropriate selection tools for selection of candidates7

Selection tools8


Rational for using Biodata as selection tool8

Personality assessment9



Selection System for Recruitment of Telesales Staff


Successful companies across the world realize that their most valued asset is their human resource. The human resource department at the organization plays a crucial role in creating unmatched talent pool for any organization. Of the various key functions performed by this important, one of the most important is recruitment and selection (Hough & Oswald, 2000, p. 631). Good selection process is one that takes into account occupational psychology. This is true in that it helps the recruiter in using the most appropriate and practical selection tools. Hence, selection is but one of the panacea for success.

Selection can also be deemed as risk management in that it helps the employer hire unsuitable and nonperforming candidates. Performance at job is quite complex and cannot be predicted with cent percent accuracy (Total Jobs, 2013, p. 1). Hence, selection helps in selection of an individual whose skill set matches closely with the job description. The human resource departments generally take consultancy services from occupational psychologists who may help the organization with identification of talent, development of talent and management of talent. The paper discusses the selection process that should be used for recruitment of telesales staff for a telemarketing organization. It describes the stages that would be followed in the creation of selection process, the tools that will be used and the pros and cons of the selected selection tool.

Job description for telesales staff

The selection process cannot be designed without the job description. The job of a telesales agent involves marketing over the telephone (Jensen, 2013, p. 5). This is to say that the telesales agent is supposed to promote selected products and/or services through direct sales or through information collection of clients. The major responsibility of these people would be to calling perspective clients to sell products, updating a computer database and meeting sales target (Miklos & Toney, 2000, p. 5).

Job tasks

One of the most important job tasks of a telesales person is to contact prospective clients who would be interested in the company's products and services. This means not only making calls but also generating the interest of prospective customers. The company will be recording each call (Wise & Campbell, 2000, p. 78). Hence, it is the responsibility of the person to assure that he delivers a positive image of himself and the company before the customers. Without making a positive impression on the customer, the telesales officer will not be able to solicit orders over the phone.

The telesales person is supposed to understand the product specifications and be able to explain it to the customers he is calling.

Telesales officer will be given a scripted sales pitch which they ...
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