Evaluating Processes Of Employee Selection

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Evaluating Processes of Employee Selection

Evaluating Processes of Employee Selection


Today many important organizations have realized that main assets of their organization are their employees. In order to develop a strong, capable, and talented workforce, organizations need to adapt effective and efficient selection process that can identify strong, capable, and talented employees from both within and outside the company. An employee selection process is a mixture of planning, analysis and targeted approach to find, adapt and integrate the most qualified candidate to fill a position within the organization (Dale, 2003). Organizations have never ending task of hiring and selecting right candidates. Selected the right candidate for right position is the most important challenge for the Human Resource department of any company since making wrong decision can be very costly to the organization in terms of cost and image. Thus in this paper I am going to evaluate the employee selection process of the company I have worked in. (Safeway Inc.) Safeway Inc. is a second largest supermarket chain after the Kroger Co. in North America. Safeway is a 5oo fortune company and in retail industry it is on the 11th rank in United States.


Employee selection process is important because it screen out unsuitable candidates, creates a large pool of candidates, and saves costs and image of the organization. On the other hand it is considered as negative process because it is very long and time consuming process. Usually employee selection process is considered as and a negative process those candidate who consider themselves suitable for every position since it involves rejection of unsuitable candidates and they have to pass through tough hurdles before getting the job (Cohen, 2007).


Usually the employee selection process included advertising or notification, screening, reviewing, interviewing, and then finally selecting the best candidate (Devine, 2009). However in Safeway Inc. the primary purpose of selection activity is to identify the best job applicant that will be best suitable for the post if hired. The employee selection process followed in Safeway Inc. includes planning, need analysis, collection of application forms, prescreening interview, screening, Assessment of Personal Qualities, Pre selection, Employment test, and interview.


The selection process at Safeway Inc, starts with planning, having a goal in mind to select best possible candidates but how. In Safeway Inc, planning is done by HR head after reviewing the strategic plan of the company.

Job specification

The next step involve in the employee selection process of Safeway Inc, is creating job specification in which various requirement for the job are specified like experience, knowledge, skills, and behavior. Usually Safeway Inc, prefer candidates with good experience. However at Safeway Inc, job specifications are no updated on frequent basis which is considered as one of the disadvantage to the company.


At Safeway Inc, as a rule, the application is the first step on the road to employment. Company has proper system from where they receive various applications and sort the best candidates based on their academic results and previous job experiences. After the first contact, the applicant fills out the application ...
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