Seductions Of Crime

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Seductions of Crime

Seductions of Crime


Many are the times that people have asked themselves questions like: what motivates criminals to brutally murder a fellow human being without any restrain common to most people? How can a criminal maintain his/her their cool without showing any remorse but only gaze out as if he or she is are looking at a dark and empty space when confronted? To the common persons the crimes have always been perceived with awe and fright at the extent of erosion of humanity. On the other hand psychologists have always sought to demystify if not to understand the operations of a criminal's mind.

In some instances, the criminal is a normal person with no apparent mental illness or disturbance. That kind of a criminal usually plans the crime carefully with every detail and step considered with the precision of a scalpel blade. The victim is chosen on the basis of the fantasies of the criminal and the time of striking premeditated with the keenness of a sentinel. However, like all human beings the criminal makes the mistake of living a shoe print in the crime and detectives soon catch up with him. Since the criminal is clever and knowledgeable, he manages to get himself a good lawyer to claim insanity.

In most instances, psychologists have attempted to explain the inhumane behaviors using the concept of insanity. The concept has worked very well in sending some of the world's most brutal murderers not to jail or hangman's noose but to very comfortable asylum where the tax payers cater for their needs. The concept by psychologists argues that criminals are not usually in their 'right mind' when they commit their criminal acts (Katz, 1988, p. 184) The essence of the postulation is that some criminals suffer from temporary insanity and this has led to many criminals walking scot free after committing murder without any apparent intent.

There have been diverse theories that have been put across to attempt to explain the major driving force behind the committing of such crimes. Looking at the genius creation of Hollywood minds in movies like Jekyll and Hyde and Hannibal the Cannibal it is possible to realize how understanding of crime and criminals poses a challenge to criminal psychologists. One book known as Seductions of crime: Moral and sensual attractions of doing evil by Katz J. approaches the issues from a rather interesting angle; the angle of attempting to understand the perception of the criminal concerning the crime.

Seductions of Crime

The book approaches crime from a holistic approach by looking at both the crimes that are considered serious such as murder to crimes such as shoplifting. In the introduction, the author begins by outlining the reason why people continue to commit petty crimes such as shoplifting and become thrilled with the act. The concept, when extrapolated to include organized crime that juveniles engage in when they are in their respective gangs drives a chilling cold down the ...
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