Secure Data Management Approach

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Secure Data Management Approach

Secure Data Management Approach


A new technological era has brought significant gains to humanity, providing growth and productivity, but, in contrast, has placed the organizations with inherent risks to access to or attack the information stored in enterprise computing systems. The information is increasingly valued asset, directly impacts the business continuity and credibility. That is why companies have sought solutions to mitigate these risks by providing a set of best practices through security policies managed in different instances with roles and responsibilities clearly defined. All this is the requirement of time to ensure the level of security appropriate to the business (Kovacich, 2003, pp. 95-251).

Information security comprises a set of measures to protect and preserve information and information systems, assuring them integrity, availability, non-repudiation, confidentiality and authenticity. These elements constitute the five pillars of information security and therefore, are essential to ensure the integrity and reliability of information systems.

Company's Overview

ABC Company is IT company in UK; the company has different business sectors. Most of the business of the company is online, which needs security of information. Today, the company is a global leader in the online business. At the moment, the company employs 25,000 people working in different business units making the organization one of the largest employer in the private sector.

Challenges & Issues

Data security is an issue that is becoming increasingly important in enterprise application development. In general, we can protect with relative ease the functionality of our systems, assigning access permissions to users and checking for these permissions during execution. But this is not enough in business applications. The problem of protecting personal files and folders is inevitable if the computer has several people. Such a situation may arise at home, such as the need to protect the child from him information not intended, and maybe at work, where even in the presence of each user's own computer may be times when you have to start up your PC for another employee (Kuhn et al. 2005, pp. 324-338). In both cases, do not want outsiders to demonstrate some of his working materials, and not because they are classified as top secret, but simply because no one likes to foreign interference in their affairs. When thinking about information security, which is immediately reminded of the security of data and information in computer network and internet.

However, we must remember that large computers(mainframes) are located in buildings, and they can be physically accessed by unauthorized persons, carrying equipment with a large storage capacity and small, such as pen drive, DVD, CD, HD, watch, digital camera, and may be able to store data and information confidential and valuable to the organization. This is one of the main issues or challenges that ABC Company is facing. As the company has a large number of employees so controlling them and securing data is no doubt a bigger challenge (Agrawal, Abbadi & Wang, 2011).

Similarly, most of the companies on the market experience a catastrophic event that could lead them ...
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