School Uniforms

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School Uniforms

School Uniforms


According to the author St. Thomas Aquinas, in liberty all men are equal by nature but now when it comes to other bequest. It has been taught to every individual that the human beings are equal in all aspects but there is a division factor in every part of the society I see the uniform on the same scale. Schools have a complete control on the students on the basis of the curriculum they teach as well as what they make the student wear. It is just a norm that is reducing the aspect of student equality and individuality. Students are divided on the basis of elite and common schools (Clive H., 2004). The uniform is a way of differentiating a catholic public school and private school students. There are many other reasons on which the uniform system is recommended, some of them are discussed below.


There are several benefits of a school uniform as well, it just not a representation of hatred and discrimination. Students learn to follow discipline and team spirit. It is apparent in the sports field as well how athletes are focused on the similar goal and this feeling get stronger because of the bonding through uniforms. These advantages are significant but the bigger picture still shows how divided we are, there are billions of dollars spent every year for creating uniforms either for schools or for sports man ship, the idea is similar to divide and conquer the opponent. A school uniform has no impact on the performance of the student; it is a superficial device which makes the school look better. There is no data available in literature that a uniform is guarantee of higher score in the test (Simpson, M. D., 2010).

It is the most common argument provided that uniform help in reducing judgmental comments that are passed upon peers. The styling of clothes is not the only point that is subject of criticism as there are several other aspects on which a student can be judged either it is skin tone, hair color, height, weight, odor of perfume, accessories and way of walking. Judging people over their appearances is an inappropriate behavior instead of restricting on the basis of uniform students should be taught how to accept difference and avoid judgmental behavior from the starting. If students is taught to be non judgmental from the beginning, they will be able to behave in better in their respective community. When all the students are dressed in similar dresses it may reduce the awkwardness among certain students but they will not have the same level of confidence when they are in real life (R. Murray T., 2008).

The process of learning is similar to everyone, all students are equal. There is no point of discrimination on the basis of religion, cast or race. Students with different type of background related to religion and ethnicity, the difference in cultural upbringing will be obvious in the way they dress if there is no ...
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