Satellite Communication

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Satellite Communication

Satellite Communication


A satellite is basically any object that revolves round a planet in a circular or elliptical path. The three kinds of connection satellites that I select are climate satellites, Astronomy satellites and communication satellites.

Satellites perform many functions. In alignment to convey out these purposes, satellites use different subsystems. Basic subsystems are group's devices that help the instruments aboard a satellite to work together and keep the satellite to operate properly. Some satellites have an inbuilt booster to reach there certain altitude, once in orbit as this way it requires relatively less fuel to launch this satellite on a slow outward spiral to its correct position.

The function of the aerial in satellites is to allow the satellite to send messages on earth so that we can receive and transmit the information that we acquire. With out an aerial a satellite will not able to abstract the information that we require.

Satellites cover different parts of the earth because the signals are in a microwave region, so the satellite dish must face the same direction on earth at all times to ensure that all signals are received and retransmitted in the correct directions to intended receivers. A geostationary satellite is one that orbits the earth once every 12 hours, in an equatorial orbit, and therefore remains over the same point on the earth at all times.


The first fictional portrayal of a satellite being commenced into orbit is a short article by Edward Everett Hale, The clay brick Moon. The story is serialized in The Atlantic Monthly, beginning in 1869.The concept surfaces afresh in Jules Verne's The Begum's Fortune (1879).

In 1928 Slovenian Herman Potocnik (1892-1929) published his sole book, The Problem of Space Travel — The Rocket Motor (German: Das Problem der Befahrung des Weltraums — der Raketen-Motor), a plan for a breakthrough into space and a permanent human presence there. He conceived of a space position in minutia and calculated its geostationary orbit. He recounted the use of orbiting spacecraft for detailed peaceful and infantry fact of the ground and recounted how the exceptional situation of space could be useful for scientific experiments. The publication recounted geostationary satellites (first put ahead by Tsiolkovsky) and considered connection between them and the ground utilising radio, but fell short of the idea of utilising satellites for mass broadcasting and as telecommunications relays.

In a 1945 Wireless World article the English research fiction author ArthurC. Clarke (1917-2008) recounted in minutia the likely use of communications satellites for mass communications. Clarke analyzed the logistics of satellite launch, possible orbits and other facets of the creation of a mesh of world-circling satellites, pointing to the advantages of high-speed global communications. He furthermore proposed that three geostationary satellites would provide coverage over the whole planet.


* Anti-Satellite weapons/"Killer Satellites" are satellites that are conceived to decimate foe warheads, satellites, other space assets. They may have particle tools for fighting, energy tools for fighting, kinetic tools for fighting, nuclear and/or accepted missiles and/or a blend of these ...
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