Samsung Strategic Analysis

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Samsung Strategic Analysis

Samsung Strategic Analysis

Task 1a2

Task 1b4

Task 1c7

Task 2a14


Task 3b19

Task 3c19

Task 419


Samsung Strategic Analysis

Task 1a

Business & strategy

There is an old and famous story about an airplane in which the pilot came to the passenger in the flight and said there are two news that I want to announce. One is good and the other is bad which one I should tell first. Everybody in the flight said good news; pilot announced that they are ahead of schedule than people asked what about the bad news. He stood up and replied I do not know where we are going. It sounds ridiculous for a pilot but this is a fact and in many organizations, this is a critical problem. Many times an organization and its entire people are hard working but they do not know what to hard work for.

There are many task with an organization that have take place in order for it to survive but to determine what are the most critical task is the most crucial phenomena. Often invisible, this idea is called as context and this fact alone is the cause of organization complexity. This idea is based on the concept of aligning your entire organizational task and figuring out what is the most important and crucial task. The basic idea behind this concept is to determine the critical and non-critical task. There are two types with an organization one is called core task, which is controlled by core strategy, and the other type is context task, which are controlled by context business strategy (Pimentel, 2005).

The core strategy is responsible for handling all the organizational activities, which are based on core competency or the main function of the organization. In other words, we can also explain this idea s the profit generating departments and their respective activities. The contextual business strategy is based on all the activities, processes, and function, which are required to run an organization but are not the part of profit generation. The most crucial point is to decide which activities to keep and which to rectify and change. Many organizations is the world who have good business idea and plan stand out because of that but fail when it comes to managing resources with respect to time. The whole idea of context business strategy is utilization of resources with respect to time management and how to act in significant time. Organizations all around the world are using think tank techniques to solve this dilemma of time management with respect to strategic perspective (Pickling, 1991).

In the current analysis of strategic environment, Samsung is a company, which is doing very good. The concept of strategic management is to outline the current strategy of the company and see its fit with the external environment. Samsung operates in very unstable and uncertain environment where change is a constant terminology and every company in this industry has to act with respect to the changes. In this section of the paper, we will discuss the strategies ...
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