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Customer Behaviour and Experience - Salon

Customer Behaviour and Experience - Salon


The case study explores an episode at the salon where complaint has been made by the customer regarding the impolite and rude behaviour of the staff. A client described the rude, non-informative, late-starting the beauty treatment and abrupt behaviour of staff members in response to the request of the client for home care advice.

This paper discussed and illustrated policies at the Salon for the following issues, such as the professional standard, effective communication, and customer care, in addition, described how should a Salon must manage client's complaints.


Salons Policy

Salon business is primarily a service led business. Therefore, it is essential to keep customers happy by offering quality of client care. In effect, Salon considers it crucial component to maintain and gain a competitive advantage. This refers to the regular collection of customers' feedback, taking the initiative to promote a long-term relationship with each customer and removing communication barriers with them, rather than just focused and restricted to transactional one (Barlow & Moller, 2008, pp.25-228).

Customer dissatisfaction and complaints typically arise because of ultimate judges than relying on her interpretations, biases and hunches; thus, need to make used of the unfiltered knowledge and feedback that the customer offer. Through giving more of what customer desire, the salon can add value to the quality of their client care relationships. Moreover, such initiatives help in reducing customer complaints and foster loyal customer base.

Professional Standards

Profession service does not only depend on the operator's effectiveness; however, also on how effective the salon is running. Effective procedures of salon refer to consistent standards, effective job allocation and assist to make sure that daily jobs are not overlooked during busy hours. For instance, welcoming and ethical attitude of the staff is vital to keep the customer satisfied (Verma, 2007, pp.12-386).


At the salon, high standards of professional ethics must be in place and well communicated among staff members, which is also known as values and morals. This refers that employees are obliged to carry out their jobs as per standards of reasonable conduct, which includes (Armstrong, Crosland & Green, 2009, pp.4-180):

Behave in a professional manner

Staff must be courteous, fair and show respect to customers. In addition, do not criticise other salons and staff or talk about other customers in a negative way.

Always keep your words and be honest with the client

Salon must have a policy against rude or late-starting the beauty treatment or non-informative behaviour of the staff. Such behaviours will and must not be tolerated and must be reported instantly.

Staff must communicate in a respectful manner whenever a customer raises a query.

Respect and Tolerance

Staff members come in a direct contact with a diverse group of people at the Salon, and not always will understand and agree many of their beliefs and values. On the other hand, staff should learn to respect the rights and recognise different values of customers who think in a different way than ...
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