Salon Customer Services

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Salon Customer Services

Salon Customer Services


At Salon, we pride ourselves on providing a high standard of customer service. In addition to our quality hair services, our customer service has been found to be one of the main reasons our clients keep coming back to us. With this in mind, many of the policies in this manual have been developed so that we can maintain our high standards. However, this is not a final document. The idea is that it always changes as we find better ways to work and to make our clients feel special (McLean 2001 509-397-3435).

How Your Salon Runs

Not only does a professional service depend on the effectiveness of the operator but also on the efficient way the salon is run. Effective salon procedures maintain consistent standards, allocate job responsibilities and help to ensure that routine jobs are not forgotten when it is busy. Good housekeeping is very important to maintaining a good salon image as well as being essential for health and safety.

Reception Area

At Salon Salon, we ensure that:

Reception desk is always tidy

Flowers are replaced once a week

Current magazines are available for the customer

Empty cups are removed as soon as possible

Providing a Caring Environment

Clients like to feel comfortable and relaxed while they are having their hair done. For your client to feel comfortable with you, your behaviour must be genuine and sincere. How well you communicate your care, courtesy and your competence will encourage them to become a regular client.

At Salon we request that you:

Demonstrate a positive attitude towards work and other people.

Have a clean neat appearance

Show a friendly and courteous attitude to each other and to the clients. Always acknowledge the client, even if you are on the phone or with someone else.

Have high personal standards of behaviour and conduct.

Are punctual, reliable and efficient. If you are running late for work, call the salon immediately. If you are running behind schedule, explain the delay to your client; most will understand. Apologise for the inconvenience and do not blame anyone (Gitmor 2008 56-99).

Are reassuring to your client and put them at ease by your behaviour. This includes devoting your full attention to the client. It is rude to chat with other staff while attending to your client, however professional discussion with co-workers is permissible.

Making the Clients Comfortable

The client's physical comfort is also an important part of customer service. We like to:

Provide current hair and general magazines for the clients to read

Offer a choice of refreshments including five types of teas, brewed coffee and hot chocolate

Ensure the heating/air conditioning is turned on each morning, if required

Answering the Telephone

Opinions of Salon can be formed by the operator's telephone technique and customers can be lost through poor telephone service. Therefore it is important that you use good telephone techniques to provide a high standard of customer service.

Communicating by telephone

Speaking on the telephone is a little different to communicating with a person face to face. On the phone you can hear (tone of voice, intonation, volume), but you cannot see ...
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