Safe Workplace

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Safe Workplace

Safe Workplace

Task 1

A Workplace OHS Committee is a group of employer representatives and workers functioning collectively in order to identify safety and health problems. They also have a role to consider their effect on workplaces and come up with recommendations in order to correct the issues. The reporting authority of this committee is the management and they form a vital link between the management and workers. However, the dealings of management and labor issues are not part of the committees' agenda.

Workplace OHS committees have a significant role to play for several reasons. The major reason is they bring a variety of experience, skills, and background to the committee which helps them to have a complete overview of every function of the organization. For example, some workers have in-depth job knowledge; supervisors have knowledge about the interrelationship about jobs and so on. Therefore, these people working as a group are capable of managing various issues that come up during the course of their employment.

The second reason is that committees create opportunities for the management and workers to resolve safety and health concerns by working together as a group. This tends to increase the level of understanding between workers and the management. This also helps to build mutual respect and trust which leads to added benefits. The starting point for the development of the functions that make up the basic level of preventive activity is knowledge of concepts and broader issues relating to health and safety and the prevention of occupational hazards in the company. Examining some basic concepts such as work, health, occupational hazards, risk factors or accidents at work and occupational diseases, will allow finding out the process that leads to endanger the health of workers.


Work is the activity performed by the man transforming nature for their benefit, seeking to satisfy various human needs: subsistence, improved quality of life, the individual's position in society, personal satisfaction. This work activity can also cause unwanted effects on the health of workers, whether the loss or absence of work (since the precariousness of the labor market and unemployment can be a major health problem, with individual effects, family or social) or the circumstances in which the work is performed (accidents, illness and injury to health arising from the work environment). While the forms of understanding work have varied throughout history, as we know today, this paper presents two fundamental characteristics: the automation and organization.

The Modernization: we refer to intervention and use of machines, tools and work equipment that help you perform various tasks of transformation of nature. The Organization: the planning work activity. Coordinating the tasks performed by different workers will get a better result with less effort. When not properly monitored the effects of modernization and organization system does not work properly, can give rise to safety and health of workers.

It is therefore necessary to promote initiatives to achieve a job with a level of technology to deliver us the most of the risks that threaten our health ...
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