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Russian Literature

How close is the kinship between Onegin and Pechorin?


It is much easier to compare the characters of one piece or, in extreme cases, a writer. These brilliant artists have created images of the characters typical of its time. Onegin - a young man the first quarter, and Pechorin - the forties of the XIX century. Small interval of time separates our young people, but how different they are in the early novels, and how strikingly the same in the end products.

Onegin - a young Lothario, which received a traditional upbringing and a superficial education, it is entirely in French Could speak and write easily mazurka danced, and bowed down at ease; why are you more? Light has decided that he is smart and very sweet - so the story of his hero Pushkin. Pechorin as he talks about himself in his diary. Diary written not for prying eyes, he usually confide the most intimate secrets, everything is sincerely and without any affectation presents Lermontov mouth of his hero: "From childhood, all read on my face the signs of bad properties, which were not, but they have assumed - and they born. I was modest - I was accused of wickedness, and I became a closet ... I became envious.

I was ready to love the whole world - no one understood me: I learned to hate. “In this monologue, there is a certain pattern, but Pechorin sincere. He tries to explain to others their own character, make a step towards people. Onegin is quite different. Accustomed to live in the world, knowing its laws, he realizes that feelings are irrelevant. It is a theater where everyone plays their part. Onegin is well aware of the laws of this masquerade. He learned the "science of tender passion", which is enough to shine, be welcome, but the vanity of life kills the soul of the hero: And though he was an ardent playboy, but he finally fell out of love and abuse, and the sword, and lead.

He wants something to do: Onegin house was locked, his pen took Yawning, I wanted to write - but work hard toshen He was, nothing came from his pen ...- and then: he sat down - with the laudable purpose of Himself to assign someone else's mind; A bunch of books seated on the shelf. Read, read, and still nothing ... - Nothing came from Eugene Onegin. Pechorin passionately wants to escape from the circle of life, where forced to live. Because of the duel he is in the Caucasus. Here the "edge of the earth, passionate and violent characters. Pechorin himself has not yet tired of life. He actively intervenes in all, everyone is interested to play with death ("Fatalist").

Being in Taman, he wedged a life of peaceful smugglers, reluctantly destroying their prevailing way of life. Then he remembered: "Taman - the nastiest little town from all the coastal cities of Russia. There I nearly died of starvation, and even on top of me wanted ...
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