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Business Plan

Business Plan

Executive Summary

This paper will help Sammy's Fun Fair to analyse the industry and work in a manner that will help the operations of the fun fair. The marketing strategy of the business is also discussed to make sure that the company works in a manner that will help them to make the business successful and will also be able to work in a manner that will promote the company and will also help it to expand. The financial analysis of the company is also presented that will help it to keep an eye on the finances of the company that will help it in the future.

Company Description

Summer Funfair is one greatest opportunities for earning huge profits. It provides fun and amusement to the people who visit and who are a part of it. Sammy's Summer Funfair is a place for people of all ages. It has activities, rides and fun for children and teenagers. For the adults, there are shopping festivals and small coffee shops and fast foods where they can sit with their friends and family and have fun. This is the reason that this summer fun fair is different from the rest and will provide fun to all the people. Sammy's Summer Fun fair is unique and one a kind and is certainly a place that is worth visiting.

Aims and Objectives

An objective or goal is an outcome that we want to achieve. The concept of goal is a vision, commitment to its implementation and understanding of the means by which objective can be achieved. There are three types of aims and objectives that Sammy's Summer Funfair seeks to achieve:

Corporate Objectives

The corporate objective for Sammy's Summer Funfair for the expansion plan in the United Kingdom market is to maintain the dignity and the integrity of the business wherever it decides to set the fair. This can be achieved by providing continuous and high level of customer services and by providing them comfortable and best services in terms of fun and a good time. The straight objective of this plan is to introduce itself in the markets of United Kingdom. This objective can be explained by further breaking down this objective into goals. These goals are as follows:

Marketing Objectives

Goals and objectives related to the marketing activities that Sammy's Summer Funfair would be undertaken in United Kingdom can be defined by breaking the objectives in following small goals:

To create awareness about their new funfair.

To make the service available to every man.

To pursue such advertisement and promotional campaign that generates business and customers.

To pursue such advertisement and promotional campaign that creates long term and profitable relationship with the customers.

Sales Objectives

Goals and objectives related to the sales objectives can be defined by breaking the objectives in following small goals:

To reach out to maximum men by providing them with the best prices of the tickets that is not found in any of the other funfairs and by ensuring that they enjoy the most in this funfair ...
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