Rooms Division Operations Management

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Rooms Division Operations Management

Rooms Division Operations Management

1.3/ P3

A good hotel is always well-efficient in effectively addressing all of its ethical issues that can cause health and safety related problems for both the hotel customers as well as for the staff. During the times of any Olympics or any other important event at a destination, the rate to tourism for that place increases and the hotel industry can take that time as the great opportunity for increasing their sales. Incidents can happen which are not due to any one's fault, but it has potential to cause a high level of inconvenience and distress at work for which it is better to be avoided by all possible means. A good risk assessment is necessary for ensuring that the people on the hotel premises are safe and out of any danger. Doing a risk assessment is a significant initiative for protecting employees and for conforming to all the related laws of health and safety. In Olympics season, there are increased chances of any incident occurrence as compared to normal days, so the hotel management will always have a bit higher price form their customers in order to provide a good health and safety support to all the customers as well as employees.

Furthermore, keeping the complete and appropriate records of customers as well as of hotel staff is also essential for the hotel management team as that information may be used for refraining from any sort of immigration issues of customers and staff. Sometimes, there could be a requirement to provide all the relevant information of any customer to the immigration officer in case if that person as an immigrant does any violation in that country.

1.2/ P2

The front office services in a hotel industry are the most noticeable services or department in any restaurant or hotel and mostly occupy a typical considerable place in the main lobby of a hotel. Whenever a guest enters a hotel, he first approaches the front desk for registering himself/herself; for inquiring about accessible services, the surrounding areas or facilities; for receiving room assignments; and for checking out. The front desk department often works as the main point for the requests of customers or guests concerning any information either related to engineering or housekeeping.

Some of the main positions and functions of the Front Office Department are clearly depicted from the below mentioned organisational chart:

Figure 1 - Front Office Departmental Chart (Edwinpribadi, 2010, p. n.d.)

The responsibilities of some of the people of front desk office services are described below:

Front Desk Agent

This person is responsible for registering guests, and maintaining the information of room availability.


This person is responsible for closing folios of guests, and for properly checking-out the guests.

Reservation Agent

This performs the function of responding to requests of reservations, and for creating the records of reservation.

Switch-board Operator

This person performs the function of managing switchboards and coordinating about the wake-up calls.

Bell Service Agent

This person is responsible for handling guests' luggage, escorting guests to their hotel ...
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