Role Of Teaching

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Role of Teaching

Role of Teaching


In this century student can learn in different way, much of their learning occurs from their social networking, piers and through their smart phones but not learned much from the instructor who is highly trained and gifted in the term of subject at hand. That makes the teacher role much vital; however the teacher motivates their students and uses different structural methods for train student today. This paper attempts the teacher role for motivating student through known structure which helps to transform students learning towards their knowledge.


Role of Teacher

Role of teacher is become more than the complex one that involves the specific set of skills, organizing, discipline, listening and planning. The excellencies of scholar knowledge for the material to be taught that the teacher should be create the stable climate in classroom where students experiencing the warmth, clarity and productivity. This shows the clear picture that role of teacher is more than the good understanding for material. School is the place where kid future education and its behavior in shape. Teacher is playing the major role either positive or negative student's behavior. Teacher must have to love his career in order to provide assist, enthusiasm and offers warm environment to their students. All the teacher must have to provide such environment where students get encourage to learn more as they can. To achieve this, teacher must have to be well prepared because students whole career in teacher hands.

Intrinsic Vs Extrinsic Motivation

The goals of students do create the major difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation among them. The intrinsic motivation of students has determine the sake of learning, these students enjoys their study and seeking for learning with creative ideas. Extrinsic motivation on the other hand studying about influence from outside such as the praises from teacher, receiving food grade or receiving some reinforcement that peer might offer.

Research has suggested that the intrinsic motivation will be more effective then the extrinsic motivated person because it might be the fact that intrinsic motivated become also extrinsic motivated. This is a much difficult task for the teacher to become the students intrinsically motivated. Some student treated learning enjoyable while other faces study as much challenging.

Group Dynamics Motivating Learner

Group's dynamics and the motivation for students do play an important role in the instructional design. Through goal alignment s, motivation of student s can be easily improved. ...
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