Role Of Logistics In Enhancing Customer Value

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Role of Logistics in enhancing Customer Value

Role of Logistics in enhancing Customer Value


There is a high role of customer value in the context of a higher customer satisfaction as well as increasing brand image. Although there are many factors that play a major role in increasing the customer value, the role of logistics is substantial in increasing customer value. We would look at the role of tailored logistics as a strategic means of creating enhanced customer value. It has been observed that many organizations do not focus on the role of logistics and concentrate on other factors for creating an enhanced customer value. Thus, we would propose the significance of logistics as a strategic factor in enhancing the customer value. Effective and tailored logistics not only create customer value but are also a potent means of marketing and production flexibility (Fuller et al, 2013).


Successful organizations are characterized by a distinct logistics system that that are channeled around some specific considerations like transport, warehousing, handling and control which shape up the product and material flow for organizations. Since competition is fierce nowadays among the all major industries, it has become vital for organizations to differentiate on the basis of effective logistics systems and processes. Organizations and managers are looking at different avenues for creation of customer value and are thus targeting the aspect of logistics for the creation and enhancement of customer value. In this professional competition, it has dawned among many managers to target their effective logistics systems as a competitive advantage as well as to create and enhance customer value (Fuller et al, 2013).

There is a paramount role of logistics in the product strategy that is used to attract and enhance customer value. Although many products are offered according to different varieties, it is not the singular factor ...
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