Role Of It And Health Care

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Role of IT and Health Care

Role of IT and Health Care

Key Issues That Must Be Balanced So That Information Security Provides Patient Care and Privacy

The key issues that must be balanced so that Information Security provides patient care and privacy while revolutionize healthcare delivery are;

Who owns the data?

This defines the person who holds the authority of deleting, editing and adding of information in health data in the records along with enforce regulations adjoining it (Meingast et al., 2006).

Where should the health data be stored?

There should be a clear view whether all the data, that used to be stored in patient's paper based record, should also be stored in Electronic Patient Record (ERP) (Meingast et al., 2006).

Who can view a patient's medical record?

This defines the authorized individuals that are allowed to view the confidential data of a patient. There are different limits of viewing for different individuals, which should be clearly defined (Meingast et al., 2006).

Examples of Areas Where Health Care Processes could / should be Automated

Some of the key areas that should be automated to improve the performance are; electronic data records patient monitoring and decision making system. Currently, Electronic Patients Record (EPR) is a system used for electronic data recording. With the use of sensor networks, In-home Remote Patient Monitoring has become a reality (Meingast et al., 2006).

Role of I.T

A noteworthy measure of informative content is produced throughout the conveyance of care. A restorative record commonly incorporates essential patient demographics like age and sex, and qualified data on determinations, systems and medicines gave, symptomatic test and imaging outcomes, prescription use, and supplier referrals. Registries produced for following patients with certain findings and techniques, and regulatory claims information on administration usage, can likewise be rich assets for informative data on medicine and cost of care. Joined at the patient level and followed as time passes, this informative data can give experiences into the relationship between intercessions and conclusions of care.

Health Behavior Management

There is an urgent need for healthcare personnel to delve into the prospect of effective management of health behavior since a variety of patients possess different types of behaviours. It is not easy for healthcare personnel to effectively manage the diverse behaviours since they require different type of dealing. Healthcare personnel that do not have appropriate training would be hampered to a great extent in dealing with the different types of behaviours since they do not have the skills to successfully tackle the severity of different types of health behaviours.

Disease Management

The healthcare personnel need to adopt a certain mechanism that successfully manages different types of diseases on the basis of their severity. Each disease requires a different type of response and has to be managed in a distinct style. With the implementation of a flexible system, different types of diseases would be managed in an appropriate manner. Having an Information Technology framework that looks at the aspect of effective disease management would go a long way in successfully managing different ...
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