Rock And Roll Music

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Rock and Roll Music

Rock and Roll Music


Music has an arcane influence on other art forms. Music is a piece of our lives. It usually tells of a man of the people as a whole, expresses their feelings and thoughts, draw their character - embodies everything that is associated with a person. Life gives birth to music, and music affects lives. Music can change the person's attitude toward life and strengthen his will power, to bring it generosity, kindness, under the influence of music in a person, can increase or, conversely, falling labor power. Beautiful music can brighten lives, make the person better, kinder, to share his grief and joy. Rock and roll is music that was established in the United States in the early 1950s. This music was a combination of the country music, blues and gospel music. The instruments used in rock and roll music have been different in different times. Initially piano and saxophone were the lead instruments in rock and roll music, then they were replaced by guitars in late 1950s, and since then it has been the lead instrument in rock and roll music (Cole 2009, 218).

Rock and Roll Music and the United States

The United States would not have been what it is today without rock and roll music. Rock and roll provided United States with the much needed entertainment in hard times. It was the binding force in the United States when people were divided on racial issues (Cole, pp. 220). When Blacks were being differentiated on the basis of color, it was Rock and Roll Music that gave them identity and helped them earn fame in the country.


At times when USA was facing the issue of racism to the extreme a fight started in the field of music. The first rock and roll song was introduced by the Antoine “Fats” Domino, who launched his rock and roll music at a broadcast that broadcasted the black music for the white teenagers. After his introduction, the other performers like the Alan Freed, Ike Turner, Gunter Lee Carr also participated in the evolution of the rock and roll music. Most of them were the black musicians. Thus as the rock and roll music was brought by blacks. It got immense popularity. Thus, the record industry knew this fact that this music is grabbing the people's attention so they made efforts to develop it with the Bill Haley. Bill Haley with his great musical instruments and innovations proved that white can also beat the records of blacks. Rock and roll music has an enthusiastic audience and, the audience is desperate for this music.

As in that era U.S. was full of racism and the white, were rich people. So it was difficult for the black to compete with the white people. The black people were terribly excited for the music and their enthusiasm and, excitement for the music has emerged a great and popular singer like Frank Sinatra. The first recording session in the era of ...
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