Robin Hood

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Robin Hood







Robin Hood

Answer 1

Robin and the Merrymen's mission had begun out as an individual vendetta contrary to the Sheriff. It appears to me that in alignment for him to accomplish that goal he should adopt a bigger goal. This isn't all that unusual. We arrive over this all the time in business. A personal inventor develops new merchandise that's actually good. He begins a business and owns 100% of it. He does this to sustain control. However, as time proceeds on, he recognizes that he's not a professional in trading, and that he doesn't have all of the business attachments that he'd like.

In addition, he finds himself strapped for money just as his merchandise could be commenced in increasing markets. What to do? He should leave behind his small-minded set about to the business. In alignment to gain, he should be eager to let go. He desires to stop part of the business in alignment to convey in partners and elaborate the mission. By "losing" command, he will "gain" in his mission. If he won't manage this, his business will pass away the death. Robin should glimpse things in the identical way. If he extends to believe with a little brain, he'll get nowhere. In adopting the large-scale image, he will have risk. No question about that. But with risk arrives the promise for large success. He is at the crossroads. He should select if to leave behind his primary quest or up the ante in alignment to accomplish it. It's much like a game of poker.


Answer 2

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis to this difficulty would make the position so straightforward to manipulate. We can investigate the distinct compartments of the position by recognising the interior and external factors. The Strengths and the Weaknesses of the position are interior components since they are inside the band's direct influence. Opportunities and Threats are external difficulties since the band will not leverage their creation. They are induced by other components after the band's reach. We will investigate each segments of the SWOT to this problem


Numbers in the band are expanding which would give Robin and his men the top hand when battling the Sheriff's administration

Robin's close comes across each have exact obligations and rather organized.


Too large…expanding number of new employees but less places to stay available

Vigilance and control and esteem needing between the men…between raids, the men milled about conversing and playing ...
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