Ritz Carlton

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Managing Human Resource at Ritz Carlton


Considering the changes and the challenges that have been felt and experienced over the passage of time, it becomes evident that people and individuals not only make way for progress, but also provide for the creation of a strong environment that would integrate skills and expertise of the employees working in the organization, but also for aligning and streamlining the company's targets and objectives with the matters of the company. For this paper, our focus and concentration revolves around the Ritz Carlton that has earned great name over the passage of time, making way for progress, but also provides for the creation and the establishment of realized goals and objectives fulfilling a certain time period. Reviewing the department of human resource management and the execution that comes with it, the Ritz Carlton proves to be an exquisite challenge, by understanding and comprehending the issues that come with it and also that which would make way for progress. In the times ahead of us, it becomes evident that regardless of the changes and the challenges that I have been performing, the human resource running and functioning within the company only seeks to prove that the employee is by far the most productive, yet the most expensive commodity that people would then make way for successful operations that make way in the company.


Managing Human Resource at Ritz Carlton1

History of the Company1

Human Resource Management at Ritz Carlton1

Case Development and Analysis: Assessment of Employee Staff2

Methods of Human Resource Development Needs Investigation (HRDNI)3

Discussion and Analysis5

Conclusion and Recommendations6


Managing Human Resource at Ritz Carlton

History of the Company

The Ritz Carlton Hotel has been in the business of hospitality and hotel industry, with almost a century old philosophy. Established in the year 1898, with the ability of people to make way for the creation and the establishment of the necessary results and outcomes, the organization has managed to survive in the face of the changing economic times and also has made big name and reputation in the industry and all around the world.

Today, in the modern times of rapid development, growth and expansion, it becomes evident that the Ritz Carlton owns 70 hotels in 23 countries across the globe (as of the year 2008).

The company not only has managed to provide for the creation of new and improved philosophy, but has been associated and accustomed towards creating liaison between people, processes and the systems, yielding to and resulting in constructive performance intended over the passage of time (Ellickson, 2002, pp. 343).

Human Resource Management at Ritz Carlton

Considering the employee is the most expensive asset that is being inducted in the company, it becomes evident that irrespective and regardless of the changes and the challenges that have been felt and experienced over the passage of time, there are issues and problems that come with employees, in the form of making association and constructive trainings for their employees inducted at the company (Chiavenato, 2001, ...
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