Risk Management And Safety

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Risk Management and Safety

Risk Management and Safety

Culture of Safety

Work setting should follow all the legislative laws that are specified for the work places of that particular country. In order to maintain discipline everybody should be ensured to work according to the standards. If everyone follow those rules, he or she not only benefit the organization but he or she can also enjoy the sense of wellbeing and safety. For this laws should be followed, because if we try to pass our lives according to rules and regulations at individual level, automatically everything will run in a smooth way. Similar scenario exists in a work place, we should not compare with others that he or she is abiding the rules, so why should I follow? If the organization has certain policies for the maintenance of health and welfare of its employees then it is a responsibility of every worker to follow that. For example if there is separate smoking area specified for the smokers, then they should smoke only in that area, so that other colleagues cannot suffer.

I am working in an organization which follows all the rules and regulations set by government for the rights of employees. Our organization has clearly defined policies and all those are tried to be implemented as they are documented. The management of particular department or the manager of whole organization is responsible for the implementation of all those predetermined policies and procedures. Health and safety is a serious and common issue, which is discussed and taken into notice almost by all. Every organization should represent the current regulations of policies and procedures that should be checked timely so that the promise regarding provision of health and safety of employees working in that particular organization should be maintained accordingly.

Government made laws for the benefits of its citizens so it is our responsibility to work according to them. In this way the discipline will be maintained and the whole population progress equally. As the government policies change, our organization tries to acquire them timely. Top of the list is the health and safety issues. Whatever the policies of government are, that are related to employees in a work place, are almost followed at our organization. The higher authorities are responsible for the implementation and then maintenance of those policies. That is why all the officials strictly obey the policies and ensure that all the workers follow them. Every organization should work in a way that those rules and regulations should be reflected from their image, and they should be reviewed routinely.

Manpower is the greatest worth for any organization. That is why the organizations value its employees very much. Their needs and wants are kept at the top of the list and all the possible measures are made implement in order to fulfill them. Health and safety is issue, for which almost all the people are concerned about that. An employee prefers to work in that firm which provides the safety regarding ...
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