Risk Factors Of Behavior

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Risk Factors of Behavior

Risk Factors of Behavior


No matter how experienced is a teacher in handling students, there are always some children in class who are difficult to be handled. These are children with challenging behaviors in the class. Children's behavior can often be challenging for the teachers. Most of the times this behavior becomes irritating for teachers and sometimes it becomes disrupting for teachers in conducting normal teaching operations. However, it is necessary that teachers should get information about factors leading towards challenging behaviors of children so that they can find necessary solutions to deal with these behaviors. The paper also discusses the main factors behind the challenging behaviors of children and the strategies which can be adopted by teachers in order to deal with these challenges (Webster-Stratton, 1999).


The challenging behavior is so difficult to be identified. It is very difficult to identify the main causes of challenging behaviors. However, there are different risk factors which can be taken into consideration by teachers in order to understand the challenging behaviors of children in class. These risk factors are the main cause behind the aggressive and antisocial acts of children in class. These risk factors can be either biological or environmental risk factors (O'Mahoney, 2003). Given below are some risk factors behind the challenging behaviors of children in classroom.

Three Risk Factors which Influence Behaviors

Following are the main three risk factors that influence the behavior of a child.

1) Genes

2) Brain Development

3) Family Factors and Parenting Styles

How does each Factor Influence Behaviors?

Following are the main reason through each factor influences the behaviors.

1) Genes

Different scientists have presented their view that the role of genes is very influential towards influencing the behaviors of a child. According to different researchers, human behavior is mainly the result of genes which are circulating inside. ...
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