Risk Factors Associated With Suicide

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Risk Factors Associated With Suicide

Risk Factors Associated With Suicide

Risk assessment instrument

The risk assessment tool chosen is 'SAD PERSONS Scale'. This risk assessment tool includes following risk factors for suicide (CAMH, 2010):




Previous attempts if suicide

Ethanol use

Rational thinking loss

Social support lacking

Organized plan

No spouse


The SAD PERSONS scale provides a score of 1 or 0 for each of the factor for instance if the gender is female it is given a score of 0 while for male, it is 1. Similarly, the people who have previously attempted suicide are given a score of 1 while those who have not attempted suicide previously are given a score of 0 (http://www.capefearpsych.org). The premise is that the higher the score of a person on SAD PERSONS scale, the higher is the risk level of that person. Based on the score, the action to be taken is proposed (CAMH, 2010).

Depression and suicide

Depression is one of the key risk factors for committing suicide. There are various proofs that provide evidence that there is a strong connection between depression and completed suicide by the people. Approximations point out that about 60 percent of suicide victims endured from serious depression and other mood chaos (Dumais et.al, 2005).

Impact of age, gender, ethnicity and socioeconomic status on suicide rates

People of specific ages are more likely to attempt and commit suicide. In early adult life, the risk of committing suicide and suicide rates are at peak (Perry et.al, 2012). Age affects the thinking capability of an individual and thus affects the risk level for suicide.

Gender also has an impact on the suicide risk level. Males are more likely to commit suicide as compared to women. Although, females make more attempts to suicide, but men comparatively have higher rates of completed suicide (CAMH, 2010).

Ethnicity has an impact on suicide rates to some extent. People from ...
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