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Revise Outline

Revise Outline

Research Plan Outline

People perceptions regarding different professions are casual to see, but I found women interface in a men's percept profession as an interesting topic to research on. This was not enough a piece of interest for me, I further expanded it by being particular for an ethnic group (Muslim). I observed that Muslim people see policing as a male profession and they might dislike female entrance in this profession. In Muslim faith, women should be veiled at home and must not try to be like a man, as their identities are different. In reality, policing is a male oriented profession and women finds great number of problems in getting success to it. I made a key objective of this research plan to investigate how female police officers are perceived in Muslim community. Though females are sensitive creation, but yet they have the capacity to handle aggressive situations. My research objectives were analytical as I wanted to research the problems faced by female police officers in the service provision to Muslim communities. Moreover, I am also intended to search the level of reliability, trust and confidence of female police officers in Muslim community's view.

I applied the qualitative research approach for seeking the best result of my research. This method of research employs different tools for addressing the problems and coming up with the beneficial outcomes. The qualitative research method deals with a huge range of research investigation method. However, there is still some argument that this approach is a interpretative or naturalistic method related to the meaning of actions, values, beliefs, decisions and mind mapping. Qualitative research offers a complete understanding of a subject matter and its setting or context with the reasoning. This research method stands alone and complements the results of surveys, by giving rich and deep investigation. Qualitative method might be free flowing or semi-structured in its objectives of research questions. This method is a source of providing extensive view of the research, and also the analysis of data. The qualitative approach plays a significant role in maintaining, developing, and improving survey quality by the assessment of key issues that cannot be addressed singly. The questionnaires gives a platform to have a systematic analysis, and in depth spotlight with the instructions.

I used many external sources and books for understanding the Muslim concepts regarding females and their professions. I found an interesting book “for The Next Attack: The Globalization of Jihad” in which I saw the extremism of Muslim concept of Jihad and army that has a key motive to defend their religion and faith (Benjamin, 2005). Moreover, the book of Bosworth shows the different traditions of civilizations in which Muslims reflects the key concept of holding their tradition and traits through centuries (Bosworth, 2003). However, other book material demonstrates the understanding and history of policing in United States, and how women took part in this profession. Many communities in United States do not have such problem with female police officers, but Muslims come in ...
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