Resourcing Management And Development Hr

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Resourcing management and development HR

Resourcing management and development HR

Resourcing management and development HR

Human Resource Development

A framework for the expansion of human resource within an organisation through the development of both the individual and the organisation to bring improvement in performance is well known as Human Resource Development. The capacity of an individual depends on the educational level they own according to Adam Smith. The same statement applies to the entire organisation's staff but it needs vast field to cover both the areas. HRD is the integrated use of organisation, training and career development approach to improve organisational, group and individual effectiveness. The essential competencies that makes an individual competent in organisation and makes him/her able to perform the current and future jobs by planned learning activities can be effectively managed through human resource development process. The major key groups within the organisation uses Human resource development framework to manage and initiate change within the organisational processes. HRD helps an organisation in ensuring a link between organisational and individual needs.

Process, Practice and Relation to Other Fields

The process, practice and relation of human resource development to other fields can be effectively formed. As human resource development is not only a field of study but it is a profession that is getting high importance day by day. Human resource development process can be only managed by the professional HRD practitioners and academia. Human resource development can be effectively managed through the following steps:

Training and Development

Training and development is a process and most of the organisations have a separate department for managing its activities and functions. The main activities and functions that this department performs are based on the development of human expertise for the purpose of improving the individual and organisational performance. Training and development is an important step of human resource development process that provides trainings to all the employees according to the levels of management. Training needs of each level is different from others.

Organisation Development

Organisation development provides power to the organisation to gain a competitive edge by its human resource capital. Training and development alone cannot bring overall development of the organisation as it focuses on the individual training and development needs but on the other hand organisational development can make the individuals work in such a way that it brings efficiency and improvement in the overall organisational process and system. Human resource development practitioners make the development of the organisation and employees in a way that is mutually beneficial for both. Organisational development is based on the organisation's mission, values and vision.

The human resource development practices include supervisory management development, professional skills training, new employee orientation, customer service trainings, health and safety trainings and sales and marketing trainings are the most commonly used practices of human resource development.

The role of human resource development is very clear in businesses, non-profit organisations, healthcare institutions and various other organisations; this is mainly due to its importance. Human resource development manager, training manager or director, president of organisational effectiveness, ...
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