Research Summary

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Research Summary

Research Summary

Background of the Study

Problem statement

The research is directed towards patient's care that is in the end of life. The primary focus of the problem statement is to minimize the pain of patients who are terminally ill by cancer as much as possible by dosage of morphine.

Significance to Nursing

Cancer, as defined by the American Cancer Society, is "a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells" In fact, "cancer" is a term to describe over 100 different types of uncontrolled cell growths.

Morphine is a potent narcotic drug that directly affects the central nervous system. It is one of the main alkaloids extracted from the opium poppy. Morphine sulfate, the most common form of the drug, occurs as a white, feathery, crystalline powder. It has a pH around 7.4, which makes it highly water soluble, while pure morphine is not very water soluble. Morphine should be stored at room temperature, away from heat, light, and moisture. It is an effective pain reliever, cough suppressant, and anti-diarrheic, while it also produces euphoria. Tolerance and both physical and psychological dependence can develop rapidly with use (Stolberg, 2009).

Purpose of the study

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that there are 1.4 million cancer diagnoses in the United States every year, and the American Cancer Society (ACS) reports that people living in the United States have lifetime odds of about 1 in 2 of developing some kind of cancer. These odds mean that most families must deal with cancer at some point. Cancer is a frequent cause of death; according to the CDC, approximately 550,000 deaths in the United States are attributable to cancer each year. At the same time, improved detection and treatment have significantly increased the life expectancy for many people who are diagnosed with cancer, meaning that families often must deal with cancer as an ongoing challenge (Hanks et al., 2010).

This it is of great significance that the end of life care must be given great focus and prime importance.

Objectives (hypothesis/Research question)

The main aims and objectives of this study are:

To explore the benefits of Oral Morphine

To examine the development of end of life care

To figure out that how effectively morphine dosage can minimize the pain of terminally ill cancer patient

Methods of the Study

Research Design

The research is based on secondary data accumulation. The data is pressed out from various journals, articles and books. Secondary research depicts information assembled by literature, broadcast media, publications, and other non-human origins. In this research, we would also be employing the descriptive method of research.

The research accession used is qualitative. Qualitative research is practically more immanent than quantitative one. This research applied various methods of accumulating data which could be both primary as well as secondary. As already adverted, this study chooses the secondary method. (Silverman 2001)

This type of study is often less costly than quantitative studies and is exceedingly effectual in acquiring information. It is a frequently used method in instances where valued measurement is not ...
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