Research Proposal

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Research Proposal


Employee retention is a process in which the employees are encouraged to remain with the organization for the maximum period of time or until the completion of the project. Employee retention is beneficial for the organization as well as the employee. Employees today are different. They are not the ones who don't have good opportunities in hand. As soon as they feel dissatisfied with the current employer or the job, they switch over to the next job. It is the responsibility of the employer to retain their best employees. If they don't, they would be left with no good employees. A good employer should know how to attract and retain its employees.Most employees feel that they are worth more than they are actually paid. There is a natural disparity between what people think they should be paid and what organizations spend in compensation. When the difference becomes too great and another opportunity occurs, turnover can result. Pay is defined as the wages, salary, or compensation given to an employee in exchange for services the employee performs for the organization. Pay is more than "dollars and cents;" it also acknowledges the worth and value of the human contribution. What people are paid has been shown to have a clear, reliable impact on turnover in numerous studies. Employees comprise the most vital assets of the company. In a work place where employees are not able to use their full potential and not heard and valued, they are likely to leave because of stress and frustration. In a transparent environment while employees get a sense of achievement and belongingness from a healthy work environment, the company is benefited with a stronger, reliable work-force harboring bright new ideas for its growth (A, 1943).

Table of Contents

Research problems3

Research questions4

Research objectives5

Importance of Study5

Theoretical framework6

Research Methodology12

Research Strategy13

Data collection, and Analytical Techniques14

Analysis and Anticipated Results15


Proposed Suggestions19


Implications for Practice26

Implications for Future Research27



Research Proposal

The Topic: How to Retain Best Employees in an Organization.

Research problems

In this research proposal I will be discussing the issues relating to employee retention in an organization. I will study what are the concepts behind retaining our valued employees and also what are the best methods of retaining them. This study also brings forth the issues that hamper the success of our employees and compel them to leave an organization or switch jobs. My research problems will include the evaluation of different methods to retain employees, their problems and requirements for better job satisfaction, the underlying reasons behind employee turnover, assessing the organizational offerings and its impact on potential employees especially with respect to compensation mechanisms, their morale and influences on the morale, their overall performance and general apprehensions, their need to be given job security, and other such problems. This intends to offer me with an insight as to how well and how best can the company retains its true performers and at the same time maintains its efficiency as an entity.

Research questions

Employee retention is a fairly difficult phenomenon if the organization does not ...
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