Research Proposal

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Research Proposal

Problem statement

The patients who suffer from the deep vein thrombosis of the legs and peripheral edema are subjected to surgery and they are further subjected to the customary applied Thrombo Embolic Deterrent and sequential compression and remain on these devices after surgery. In addition, the physicians also provide the Heparin SQ after the surgery. The literature shows that patient do not needs all three treatments, but only one of the three.


Deep vein thrombosis is the condition when the blood clotting occurs in the leg or in pelvis. The blood clot can form the embolism and can reach to lungs which can result in respiratory failure (Merck 2010). There are several treatments that can be provided to prevent the deep vein thrombosis. Thrombo embolic stockings can be used as one way of prevention. If the deep vein thrombosis is formed in the leg, it can result in the clot formation above the knee. The TED stockings are the fitted and long socks that produce pressure on the legs which can help in preventing the clotting of blood. These stockings should be provided before and after the surgery and in the air traveling of the patient (Marlow V. 2008).

Sequential compression devices are also applied in the prevention of deep vein thrombosis and they help in improving the flow of blood. They are in the form of sleeves that are wrapped around the legs of the patients and are filled with air. Their wrapping helps in preventing the blood clots and they should be worn while sitting and lying. The SCD should be removed for walking (UMHS 2012).

Heparin is an anticoagulant that can be implemented in the prevention of deep vein thrombosis. Heparin is the initial form of treatment that works immediately to prevent the clotting of blood. It is available in two different states, standard heparin and reduced molecular weight of the drug heparin. The heparin can be given by intravenous injection and infusion or by subcutaneous injection (

Literature review

Several studies have been conducted for the effects of devices on the blood flow in the deep vein thrombosis. The study by Autar, R. et al (2011) shows that the patients who experience the fractures in knee and hips are more susceptible to deep vein thrombosis and among them 0.1% to 6% people can also lead to pulmonary embolism. At times it becomes impossible to provide the pharmacological treatment due to the reasons like early discharge after surgery and risk of bleeding. Studies have shown that the surgeries for knee and hip can sometime result in the damage of the endothelial layer of the veins.

Different mechanical and pharmacological treatments are given for deep vein thrombosis. The mechanical treatments include the use of thrombo embolic stockings, compression devices and foot impulse devices and all these devices are same in producing effects. Pharmacological treatments include the administration of unfractioned heparin, anti platelets, low molecular weight drug heparin and wafarin. The guidelines that are outlined nationally and internationally for the ...
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