Research Proposal

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Research Proposal


Background to the Study2

Advertising Media and Effectiveness4

Rationale for the Study4

Significance of the Research5

Aims and Objectives5

Research Questions6


Traditional and non traditional advertising7

E-marketing effectiveness8

The food industry context12


Interview Format16

Data Collection Methods17

Data Analysis18

Data Security: Participant Anonymity and Document Retention19

Ethical Considerations20



Background to the Study

In current era, with emergence of technology, the number of peoples focusing on traditional advertising is continuously reducing, marketers and advertisers are looking for more enhanced and innovative ideas to approach their target audiences, and among such ideas one is online marketing. Therefore, the advantages of online marketing are also sought by food industry and they are also working to bring in this tool into their strategies (Iacobucci, 2008, p. 5). In food industry, managers found issues in association with such marketing approach. The aim and purpose of this research is to identify the methods which tell how to reduce those issues and integrate online marketing tool into their strategies. With continuous change in technology it is vital to be the first on innovation and always struggle to reach audience with effective and creative way. This statement mentions the importance of this study.

Advertising Media and Effectiveness

For any advertising campaign, choice of specific medium of advertisement or set of advertisement is considered important for the success of that campaign. Lye refers this effective by dollar to dollar “return on marketing objective” (Lye, 2002). For instance, it is found in the study conducted by Deans (2005) that choice among various print media by the advertiser (among urban local and dailies, and weekly community papers) can result in significant changes in the effectiveness of the marketing campaign. He also found that effective choice is made which develops a fit among psychographics and demographics of target market, and the choice might be good at one or two locations and might be inappropriate at other locations (Deans, 2005, 34). Remaining in this framework, it is important to have a clear understanding of relationship of effectiveness with traditional media and choice of internet.

Rationale for the Study

In current era, the environment of the business is highly competitive in nature. Business's success depends on the ability of taking out the competitor from competition. This is the reason behind considering the importance role of management of the company with their performance. It does not only explain the routine work and operations, but also includes the duties that are mandatory for those peoples who perform these duties.

A good technique used by the organizations guarantees that the company is enjoying significant profit as compared with their rivals. And this is attained through competitive strategies of marketing designed to enhance the market share of the firm for its developed products as well as it products that are in developing stages and consistent growth of the customers for the business. To pursue the mission and goals, unique and different strategy is adopted in every industry, which further ensures the survival of firm and growth in the competing global ...
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