Research Proposal

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How Training and Development Keeps Employees Motivated at Dell Corporation?

Table of Content

Justification of the Study1

Research Question2

Aims and Objectives2

Relevant Academic Theme3

Theoretical Underpinning4

Best Practices at the Dell Computer Corporation: Benchmarking a High-Speed Management Communication System4

Return on Investment in Corporate Training Programs4

Importance of Training and Professional Development6

Make the Organization a Learning Environment7

Employee Motivation: Just Ask Your Employees8

Employee Motivation: A Powerful New Model9

Data Collection10


Data Collection Techniques11

Data Analysis11

Directions for Further Research12


How Training and Development Keeps Employees Motivated at Dell Corporation?

Justification of the Study

Training is a systematic and planned process with general purpose of preparing, developing and integrating human resources to the process of production. It provides knowledge, skills and attitudes that are essential for the best performance of all workers in their current and future positions by making them adaptable to the changing demands of the environment. Training is aimed at improving specialized worker to perform efficiently in the functions assigned to it, produce quality results, provide excellent services to their customers, prevent and resolve early problems potential within the organization (Aguinis & Kraiger, 2009, p. 451).

Training and development becomes essential when the worker has had little experience or is hired to run a job that is novel and require innovative skills. At Dell, programs of training and development are focused on improving the effectiveness of employees. The organization has kept its employees highly motivated by redesigning its compensation and benefit plans and programs. The organization ensures to hire qualified workers and develops their attitudes and skills through training and development programs (Ali et. al., 2012, p. 7940).

Figure 01: Outcomes of T&D Program (Deal Services, 2009, p. n.d.)

In the recent competitive environment, the need for training and development is utterly required to enhance employees' skills and abilities. Numerous research studies have highlighted the significance of training and development as a critical element to improve the quality of work performance and increase the overall productivity in the workplace environment.

The main purpose of the study is to compile an authentic research study that will be focused on providing information about ways Dell has been undertaking to motivate its employees and how the organization can continue with successful initiatives in the shape of training and development at the corporate level to improve skills and abilities of workers.

Major weaknesses of the study might be highlighted as the access issues to infer valid results, short span of time, probable obstacles in collecting data, and the authentication of the conclusions drawn.

Research Question

Are training and development programs at Dell Corporation effective to keep employees motivated?

Aims and Objectives

To identify the motivation level in the employees of Dell Corporation

To establish the extent to which training and development programs are incorporated at the corporate level

To ascertain the contribution of training and development programs in motivating employees

To recommend strategies that can be undertaken by the management to improve employee motivation through T&D

Relevant Academic Theme

Training helps employees to perform the current job, and its benefits can be extended to the lifetime employment. The development, on the other hand, helps the individual to handle future responsibilities ...
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