Research Philosophies

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Research Philosophies and Principles

Research Philosophies and Principles


In almost all branches and areas of psychology is increasing confusion and uncertainty as to the validity claims and aspirations of its procedures and methodological strategies and therefore their conclusions. However, the general reader does not see a logical demonstration to take you from the assumptions made ??by the researcher to final conclusions. This article attempts to illustrate the levels and options, often implicit, adopted by the researcher, generating a gap in the arc demonstrative. It covers basically the epistemological option (which defines the nature of knowledge: model and speculate dialectical model) and the ontological option (which determines the general concept of reality to study: aggregate and systems). In the end, highlighting the main ideas that characterize qualitative research approach, on the biggest news is not always well understood and applied techniques and procedures.

The approach we see a reality depends on our point of view, and this depends on our point of location. Thus, the approach that we see, for example, the equestrian statue in the center of the square depends on our location in it, since it is a logical consequence. Therefore, to explain, justify and demonstrate the validity of our approach, we have to explain, justify and demonstrate the validity of our location, that is, how and why we got there and, above all, why we there. The wealth of philosophical thought processes related to our knowledge is very broad. We will not enter here in its analysis and reasoning.

When reality is not an addition or juxtaposition of elements, but its "constituent parts" form an organized whole with strong interaction with each other, ie, when they constitute a "system" requires study and understanding the recruitment dynamics of this structure defined internal and characterized. The world of systems, especially of non-linear, can be unpredictable, violent and dramatic, a small change in one parameter can vary its dynamics gradually and suddenly, differ to an entirely new type.

The qualitative research approach is by its very nature, dialectical and systemic. These two assumptions, epistemological and ontological, should make them explicit in any research or development project, through a brief "epistemological framework" to avoid misunderstandings in the same assessors. The methodological approaches currently used in the Human Sciences are different from each other because, ordinarily, involve a location with two previous options, that is rarely made ??explicit, let alone analyzed or taken into account the implications of this analysis could derived. These options are the option prior epistemological and ontological option.

If two social scientists agree on the choice of these two options will agree too easily in the methodologies applied, ie, techniques, procedures, strategies and methodological tools. This basic idea guiding the content of this exhibition, which, therefore, will focus on the illustration of the points of disagreement and the reasons that support each of them. Every researcher has set itself the objective to achieve a safe and reliable knowledge to solve problems that life ...
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