Research Methods For Sports

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Research Methods for Sports

Research Methods for Sports


There are various research methods that are available in the research world and could be connected to various fields in which the research has to be conducted. The subject that has been selected for research in this assignment is sports. In general, a sport involves all kinds of physical activities which aim to enhance the physical abilities and physical talent of individuals. In addition to this, it is also significant that a good amount of research has been conducted in the field of sports. In addition to this, research is defined as the initiation of a creative work that is undertaken in a systematic way in order to increase the stock of knowledge in an individual. It is also very obvious that different researches and research programs have been used in order to understand the main aspects of different sporting activities all over the world (Tenenbaum, 2005). The core aim of this of this assignment is to discuss and analyze the different and the most significant research methods that have been used for the research on the subject of sports.

Literature Review

It has been observed that the term research is a very systematic process of study and investigation that is carried out with the objective of enhancing the knowledge of others. It is very important to identify the type of research that is going to be conducted in order to enhance the effectiveness of the research. In addition to this, it is also very important to analyze and identify that which type of research is the most appropriate one to conduct research on the selected subject of research. It has been observed that there are two most appropriate and suitable research methods that could be used in all types of research subjects. These two types of research methods include the quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. It is also observed that these two research methodologies play a vital role in conducting the research in the field of sports.

Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is considered to be a very formal, systematic and objective research method in which numerical data is used to compliment the research conducted. Numerical data is observed to be a wide source of collecting the information relevant for completing the research. In addition to this, a hypothesis is involved for testing and development of relationships between different variables of research is also observed in this method of research (Starkes, 2003). In general, quantitative research is deductive in nature because it begins with a hypothesis and then continues to develop the observations in order to find the results of the research and prove the hypothesis to be true or false. The main purpose of this research is to either develop relationships between different variables or identify the differences in among the relationships.

Qualitative Research

It has been observed that qualitative research involves subjective wo0rik rather than the use of numeric data or numbers for the completion of ...
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