Research Methodology

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Pay For Performance

Pay For Performance


This paper is principally elucidating upon different research methodologies, which are used in various research paper related to my dissertation topic. The topic of my dissertation is “Pay for Performance”, and there are various business researches done on the phenomenon of pay for performance. In this analysis of the research methodologies, I have reviewed a couple of literary works in which different research methodologies are used to study the notion of pay for performance. In this paper, I will discuss different research methodologies, which are used by various authors in their discourse that is similar to that of my dissertation's subject matter. Furthermore, I will propose a research design, which will be used to conduct my thesis research. Nevertheless, the research design, which I will propose, would definitely contain elements from those research papers that I have reviewed, since they become the basis for the formation of my research design.

However, there are various research methodologies being used by intellectuals to conduct studies and research. Some of the most regularly used research methodologies are discussed under the following caption.

Different Research Methodologies

There are various research methodologies that are written in the book of intellectuals and researches. Some of those research methodologies are given as follows.

Exploratory Research: This kind of research helps to identify particular problem or question related to a certain issue.

Constructive Research: This kind of research work upon theories to get to the bottom of particular problem or question associated an issue.

Empirical Research: This kind of research is used to study the practicability and viability of a solution of a particular problem.

Moreover, there are two research designs which further direct the mode of the research. The two research designs include (1) Quantitative Research, and (2) Qualitative Research. Qualitative research is based upon open ended questions, which allow researcher to gather data in the form of words, images and videos etc. In this design, mostly those problems are put under consideration, which are unquantifiable. This design is rather more time taken and cost consuming. This research design is significantly used in the exploratory research methods, to investigate a problem in a broader perspective.

On the other hand, Quantitative research design uses close ended questions, which allow respondent to answer in a particular range, which further allow research to evaluate it statistically. This research design is experimental, survey oriented and measuring relationship between two variables.

Furthermore in this paper, analysis of two different article journals is conducted, which are related to the topic of my dissertation, in order to under the research methodology, technique and design used to successfully pursue the study. The following caption will elucidate upon the article journals and their research methodologies used to gather the information and execute the research.

How This Problem is Studied in the Past

To review the research methodologies, I have chosen two different journals in which research is conducted on a rather similar topic as that of my dissertation. The first research paper, which I have chosen is written by James Campbell, and the ...
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