Research Methodology

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[Research Methodology]


Table of Contents


The Research Processiv

Research Approachvii

Search terms - key termsix

Primary Datax

Questionnaire Frame Workxii

Questionnaire Designxii

Data Collectionxiii

Data Analysisxiii


This chapter gives us an overview of the methodology, which describes how the research will be carried out. “Methodology” refers to how a research should be undertaken (Creswell 2003 45). In order to conduct a successful research, it is essential to collect relevant data from various sources and analyse it.

The study sets out to expand upon previously completed work on the topic of “Executive Leadership and Organizational Performance” with a focus on effective leadership characteristics and styles. This research will be the first attempt to examine effective leadership style in leading government and semi - government organizations in Dubai post 2008 crisis.

Considering the nature of my research, I intend to use a triangulated approach drawing on qualitative and quantitative research methods. Various research techniques will be utilized to construct an index to evaluate present executive leadership practice, considering that this exercise is highly subjective and require input from various perspectives.

This study further defines and discusses the following: the research design, the research approach, the research methods, the sample design and data collection and analysis of the research. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the author's ability to conduct and utilise research methods to carry out his proposed research in organisational leadership performance.

There are a number of different types of method available for the collecting research data, for example: 






case studies

Focus group (Peter 1983 46)

The Research Process 

The first step of any research is to identify a subject area of research and design a clear objective within it to do further study on that particular research. Secondly, after getting secondary data from different sources on a similar subject has to be critically reviewed. To carry out proper research an ideal person has to be defined, out of which, a sample has to be dispatched for survey by different sources. 

However, to make the research more authentic, qualitative research has to be carried out in the former of descriptive questionnaire. Lastly, before completing the report, the qualitative data thus collected has to be analysed properly and then drive final conclusion. 

Following table will show a brief summary of the research process 3. (I) 

Source: [Adapted] (Sekaran 2000 89) Research methodology for business studies.Research Methods

There are various research methods that can be used by the researchers during the research process. These research methods can broadly be categorized as qualitative research approaches.Qualitative Research Van Maanen (1983) define qualitative methods of research as ' an array of interpretive techniques, which seek to describe, decode, translate and otherwise come to terms with the meaning, not the frequency, of certain more or less naturally according phenomena in the society world.  Quantitative Research Virtually all research will involve some numerical data or contain data that could usefully be quantified to help your answer your research questions and to meet your objectives (Vander 2009 21). Quantitative data refers to all such data and can be a product of all research strategies. This method is the easy way to collect information from large numbers of sample. In my research I will use quantitative method to collect and analysis information through questionnaires. For the purpose of clarification and a further discussion with the author's supervisor a brief description for some of these research methods are provided below:

Experiments usually referred to a traditional method that contributes to the study of natural science, social science and psychology. Such methods the researcher manipulates variables in control manner. Surveys are generally used to collect a large amount of data from a sample of a large population. This type of approach allows the collection of a large amount of information in at a particular time of a ...
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