Research Design And Methodology

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Research Design and Methodology

Research Design and Methodology

Task 1: Literature Review

Advertising has become an increasingly important phenomenon in our societies. Its economic significance, its ability to generate direct and indirect employment, its conversion into the main source of funding for the media and its power to express aesthetic and social trends are some of the important reasons for this boom. Experts say that the influence of advertising on the person is much stronger compared to that of periodicals and books. Psychologists believe that advertising is a kind of brainwashing, which is inextricably linked with the life of the city (Jefkins & Yadin, 2000, Pp. 124). The criticism of advertising is as old as advertising itself to analyze the language and the development of effective promotional activities.

Advertising is perceived by critics as threatening because it indicates that people cannot escape advertising due to the fact that it penetrates into every person's life. The influence of advertising is no less as it sets standards and creates ideas about life. Daily people see advertisements with beautiful, slim, young and athletic models holding particular brands. For instance, organization advertising men's shaving cream has beautiful models in the product advertisement, which certainly have nothing to do with the men's shaving cream. Similarly, the company producing toothpaste offers the opportunity not only to brush teeth, but also emphasizes on the snow-white smile (Espejo, 2010, pp. 113). Company for the production of antiperspirant is not focusing only on products that enables the customer to get rid of perspiration, but poses to create opportunities to meet you, thanks to a pleasant smell, etc. Such advertisements are seen by children and teenagers who are not yet matured and it adversely impacts their psychological set of mind.

The protest of the advertising critic is directed against the flood of advertising. Private individuals also want to preserve it. The negative consequences of advertising will be confronted with consumer groups, sociologists and other critics of consumption. However, without advertising it would also difficult to control unemployment. Many critics of advertising also believe that it contributes to the creation needs to manipulate consumers, creates a greedy society. Promoting a product class as a whole, for example, "Buy more cars," "Drink more tea," and so on, will not be held responsible for customers' needs. First of all such forms of advertising is relatively low. In addition, advertising has a rather small effect, increasing the sale of no more than a few percentage points or slightly slowing rate of decline (Egendorf, 2006, pp. 87). For the manufacturer, these effects are worth advertising, but in any case it can not be attributed to the creation of consumer needs and manipulating them on a large scale.

The main target of criticism is repeated advertising of brands as a "Buy Ford", "Drink tea, Lipton," and the like. This is the most advertising in the media. Such competitive advertising of different brands may lead to higher levels of consumption of a class as a whole, but there is no evidence ...
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